

Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology & Ethnography (Kunstkamera), Russian Academy of Sciences (MAE RAS)

Head of American Department

Previous Academic positions:

1973-1986: Institute of Ethnography [it is the same that Kunstkamera Museum now], Academy of Sciences of the UUSR, technical fellow, researcher, senior researcher.

Dec. 1986 – Jan. 2003: Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences; Senior researcher.

Education, Ph.D.

Graduated: Leningrad State University, 1970. Diploma with distinction in Archaeology.

Doctor of Historical Sciences. Candidate: Mochica, Peru: Historical-Ethnographical Reconstruction. Leningrad, 1977.

Doctor of Historical Sciences. Full Doctoral: Early History of South America and the Indian Mythology: From Hunters-Gatherers to Early Agriculturalists. Moscow, 1990.

Main research topics

Areal distribution of folklore motifs as a source of data on prehistoric migrations, cultural contacts and interaction spheres; peopling of the New World; pre-state complex societies; iconography of Native American art.

Research Grants

September, 1992 to April, 1993, International Research and Exchange Board (IREX), work in libraries of Harvard University, The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, The University of California in Berkeley and Los Angeles;

October, 1992, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., short-time visitor;

August, 1994 to July, 1995, Cultural Initiative (J. Soros Fund), preparation of the Catalogue of South and Central American Mythological Themes;

January, 1997 to December, 1998, Russian Fund of Humanities, no. 97-01-00085, Preparation and Computer Processing of the Database of the North American Indians Mythological Themes;

January, 1997 to December, 1998, Russian Fund of Humanities, 97-01-00283, Processing of the Excavated Materials of Ilgynly-depe Chalcolithic Settlement, Southern Turkmenistan.

1997-1999, Russian Fund of Fundamental Research, no.97-04-96348, Early Forms of Art. An Encyclopaedic Dictionary.

September 2000 – November 2000. Dumbarton Oaks Library and Collections, Trustees for Harvard University, Washington D.C., Visiting Scholar.

2004, Saint Petersburg Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences: Eurasian Homeland of American Natives: systematisation, analysis and interpretation of the areal distribution of the folklore-mythological motifs in the New and Old Worlds

2003-2005, Program of Fundamental Research of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Ethnocultural Interaction in Eurasia”, Eurasian Homeland of American Natives (analysis of the areal distribution of folklore-mythological motifs)

2004-2006, Russian Fund of Fundamental Research, no. 04-06-80238, Myths and genes: reconstruction of the ancient motif fund on the basis of the comparative analysis of the areal distribution of the genetic lines and folklore-mythological motifs

2007-2009, Russian Fund of Fundamental Research, no. 07-06-00441-а Myths and languages: language relations and linguistic borders as factors in formation of regional sets of folklore-mythological complexes

2006-2008, Program of Fundamental Research of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Adaptation of Peoples and Cultures to the Environmental Change, Social and Technological Transformations”, The Most Ancient Migrations and the Sets of Folklore-Mithological Motifs: Origins, Contacts and Environment as Factors to Influence the Formation of Regional Mythologies.

2008, Russian Fund of Humanities and Saint Petersburg Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences: “Siberia and the First Americans” (preparation of the collective monographs).

2007-2008, INTAS 05-10000008-7922: “A reconstruction of prehistoric Eurasian mythological motif complexes and their most ancient distribution in connection with genetic data“.

2009-2011, Special Program of Fundamental Research of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Historical-cultural heritage and spiritual values of Russia “, The earliest population of Siberia and migrations of man to the New World: a case of interdisciplinary research (archaeological, physical anthropological, ethnographic, folklore and linguistic data).

2011-(2013), Russian Fund for Basic Research, no. 11-06-00441, Dynamics of Centralization – Decentralization of the Traditional Sociopolitical Systems of the Old and New World (A Study of Archaeological, Historical, and Ethnographic Data).

2014-2016, Russian Fund for Basic Research, no. 14-06-00247,Steps and Factors of the Formation of Folklore-Mythological Traditions of Western Eurasia.

2014-2016, Russian Science Foundation, no. 14-18-03384, Stories Retold During Millennia: Reconstruction of the Dynamics of the Global Distribution of Replicated Elements of Oral Narratives.

2017-2019, Russian Fund for Basic Research, no. 17-34-00018, Sociolinguistic research of the Koraput Munda languages and development of a multimedia corpus of texts exemplifying different social conditions of language usage.

2018-2020, Russian Science Foundation, no. 18-18-00361, Borders and contacts: Cross-cultural interactions in the Old World in the light of the data on areal distribution of folklore and mythological motifs

University Courses

European University at Saint Petersburg

Faculty of Anthropology (before 2010, Faculty of Ethnology)

1) Theory and History of Cultural Anthropology/The Classic Works and Research in Cultural and Social Anthropology, fall-spring, every year, 1998-2019.

2) Prehistory of Early Civilizations/Political Anthropology, fall or spring, once in two years, 1995-2019.

3) Non-classical Mythologies/Archaeology of Folkllore (fall or spring, once in two years, 1996-2019).

Faculty of History

1) Introduction to Ethnology, 2012-2014

2) Introduction to Archaeology, 2012-2014

Saint Petersburg State University

1995-2008 courses on these and related subjects, in particular

1) Comparative Cultural Studies / Faculty of Philology, Fall-Spring, every year between 2002 and 2009.

2) Prehistoric Archaeology of the Middle East / Faculty of History, fall 2002.


Total of 340. Approximately one fifth of them on Amerindian themes, three fourths on comparative mythology and the rest on Central Asian archaeology and other subjects.

Papers and monographs since 2001

  1. Berezkin, Yuri. 2001. Areal’noe raspredelenie motivov v mifologiyah Ameriki i severo-vostochnoi Azii (k voprosu o zaselenii Novogo Sveta [Areal distribution of motifs in the American and Northeast Asian mythologies (to the problem of the peopling of the New World)] // Trudy Fakulteta Etnologii [Proceedings of the Department of Ethnology], Iss. 1. St. Petersburg: European University at St. Petersburg. Pp. 116-159.
  2. Berezkin, Yuri. 2001. Anthropology, archaeology, evolution and “cultural heritage” // Miras (Ashgabat) 2: 145-149. [Estonian version: Berezkin, Juri. 2002. Antropoloogia, arheoloogia, evolutsioon ja “kultuuripärand”: Ülevaade kaasaegsest metodoloogilistest käsitlustest // Akadeemia (Tartu). 15 Aastakäik, number 3. Lk. 549-564].
  3. Berezkin, Yuri. 2001. Melaneziisko-amazonskie paralleli v mifologii [Mythological Parallels between Melanesia and Amazonia] // Avstralia, Okeania, Yugo-Vostochnaya Azia: narody, kul’tury, istoria. Maklaevskie chtenia (1998-2000) [Australia, Oceania, South-East Asia: Peoples, Cultures, History. The Macklay Readings 1998-2000]. Abstracts of presentations. St. Petersburg: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology (Kunstkamera). Pp. 102-105.
  4. Berezkin, Yuri. 2001. Pamyati Dzheimsa Vanstouna (1925-2001) [James Vanstone, in memoriam] // Otkrytie Ameriki prodolzhaetsia [Discovery of America Goes on]. Iss. 3. Saint Petersburg: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology (Kunstkamera). Pp. 203-205.
  5. Berezkin, Yuri. 2001. Most Cherez Okean. Zaselenie Novogo Sveta i Mifologia Indeitsev i Eskimosov Ameriki [Bridge across the Ocean. Peopling of New World and the Mythology of the Indians and the Eskimo]. Lewiston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press. 430 pp. Series “Russian Studies in Humanities, vol. 23.
  6. Berezkin, Yuri. 2001. Kvartal’nyi tsentr epokhi bronzy na Altyn-depe [The Bronze Age Town Quarter Center at Altyn-Depe] // Osobennosti proizvodstva poselenia Altyn-depe v epohu paleometalla [The Ways of Production at Altyn-Depe Settlement during the Paleometal Age] / Materialy Yuzhno-Turkmenistanskoi Arkheologicheskoi Kompleksnoi Ekspeditsii. Iss. 5. Staint Petersburg: Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences. Pp. 40-59.
  7. Berezkin, Yuri. 2002. Mifologia aborigenov Ameriki. Rezul’taty statisticheskoi obrabotki areal’nogo raspredelenia motivov [The Mythology of American Natives. The results of statistical processing of the areal distribution of motifs] // Istoria i semiotika indeiskih kul’tur Ameriki [History and Semiotics of American Indian Cultures], Anna Borodatova & Valeri Tishkov, eds. Moscow: Nauka, 2002. Pp. 259-346.
  8. Berezkin, Yuri. 2002. “Iconography of Terror” in Early Complex Societies // Second International Conference “Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations”. Abstracts. St. Petersburg, July 4-7, 2002. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences. P. 99-101.
  9. Berezkin, Yuri. 2002. Review of “Thomas A. Gregor & Donald Tuzin, eds. Gender in Amazonia and Melanesia. An Exploration of the Comparative Method. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 2001. 392 p. // Latin American Indian Literatures Journal 18(1): 84-91.
  10. Berezkin, Yuri. 2002. Review of “Handbook of North American Indians / Gen. ed. W.C. Sturtevant. Vol. 13. Plains / Vol. ed. R. J. DeMallie. Washington, 2002. XVI, 1360 p., ill.” // Etnograficheskoye obozrenie (Moscow) 3: 155-163.
  11. Berezkin, Yuri. 2002. Some results of comparative study of American and Siberian mythologies: applications for the peopling of the New World // Acta Americana (Stokholm – Uppsala) 10(1): 5-28.
  12. Berezkin, Yuri. 2002. Review of “Gender in Amazonia and Melanesia. An Exploration of the Comparative Method. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, 2001. 392 p.” // Etnograficheskoye obozrenie (Moscow) 6: 172-177.
  13. Berezkin, Yuri. 2002. Smeh v fol’klornyh tekstah indeitsev Ameriki [Laughter in Folklore Texts of American Indians] // Smeh: Istoki i Funktsii [Laughter: Origins and Functions], Alexander Kozintsev, ed. St. Petersburg: Nauka. Pp. 82-103.
  14. Berezkin, Yuri. 2003. Ob universaliyakh v mifologii [On the universally spread images in mythology] // Teoria i metodika arkhaiki. Materialy teoretichskogo seminara [The Archaic Cultures: Method and Theory. Materials of Theoretical Seminar]. Iss. 3. St. Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology & Etnography (Kunstkamera); Saint Petersburg State University. Pp. 24-36.
  15. Berezkin, Yuri. 2003. Keramika iz raiona buhty Olia na ostrove Iturup [Ceramics from Olia Bay Area on Iturup Island // Archaeological News (Institute for the History of Material Culture, St. Petersburg) 9: 119-123.
  16. Berezkin, Yuri. 2003. Arkheoloogia i ernografia indeitsev Plato [The Plateau Indians Archaeology and Ethnology]. Review of Handbook of North American Indians, William Pp. Sturtevant, general ed. Vol. 12. Plateau. Deward E. Walker, Jr., volume ed. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1998 // Archaeological News (Institute for the History of Material Culture, St. Petersburg) 9: 239-245.
  17. Berezkin, Yuri. 2003. Arkheoloogia i ernografia Velikih Ravnin [Archaeology and Ethnograpfy of the Plains]. Review of “Handbook of North American Indians, William Pp. Sturtevant, general ed. Vol. 13. Plains. Raymond J. DeMallie, volume ed. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 2001” // Archaeological News (Institute for the History of Material Culture, St. Petersburg) 10: 320-327.
  18. Berezkin, Yuri. 2003. O putiah zaselenia Novogo Sveta: nekotorye resultaty sravnitel’nogo izuchenia amerikanskih i sibirskih mifologii [Peopling of the New World: some results of comparative study of American and Siberian mythologies] // Archaeological News (Institute for the History of Material Culture, St. Petersburg) (Saint Petersburg, Institute for the History of Material Culture), iss. 10: 228-285.
  19. Berezkin, Yuri. 2003.”Popol Vuh”. Naskol’ko “mayiaskim” yavlyiaetsia luchshi istochnik po mifologii maia? [Popol Vuh. How Much “Mayan” is the Best Source on the Maya Mythology?]// Kunstkamera. Etnograficheskie tetradi. Iss. 13. St. Petersburg: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology & Etnography (Kunstkamera); Peterburgskoye Vostokovedenie. Pp. 130-137.
  20. Berezkin, Yuri. 2003. Tihookeanski komponent amerindeiskih mifologii (k voprosu zaselenia Novogo Sveta) [The Pacific Component of Amerindian Mythologies (to the problem of the peopling of America] // Problemy arheologii i paleoekologii Severnoi, Vostochnoi i Tsentral’noi Azii. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Iz Veka v Vek», posviaschennoi 95-letiu so dnia rozhdenia akademika A.P. Okladnikova [Problems of Archaeology and Paleoecology of the Northern, Eastern and Central Asia. Transactions of the International Conference “Through the Centuries” organized in honor to the 95 Anniversary of Alexei P. Okladnikov]. Vladivostok, 11-25 September 2003. Novosibirsk: Institut arheologii i etnografii, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch. Pp. 420-423.
  21. Berezkin, Yuri. Trikster Krolik: Ikonografia maia i fol’klor indeitsev severoamerikanskogo Yugo-Vostoka [Trickster Rabbit. Maya Iconography and South-Eastern Indians Folklore] // Drevnie Tsivilizatsii Starogo i Novogo Sveta: Kul’turnoe Svoyeobrazie i Dialog Interpretatsii [Ancient Civilisations of the Old and New Worlds. Cultural Peculiarity and the Dialogue of Interpretations]. A Collection of Papers, Dmitry Belyaev & Galina Yershova, eds. Moscow: Russian State University of the Humanities, Russian Ministry of Education, 2003. Pp. 53-59.
  22. Berezkin, Yuri. 2003. Southern Siberian – North American Links in Mythology // Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia. 2003. No. 2 (14). Pp. 94-105.
  23. Berezkin, Yuri. 2003. 1) Northern Parallels in Southern Athabascan Folklore. 2) Folklore Parallels between Central Algonkians and the Peoples of the Plateau. 3) Central Eurasian – North American Folklore Links: Areal Correlation of a Series of Motifs / Papers Presented for the 5th World Archaeological Congress. Abstracts // WAC-5. World Archaeological Congress, Washington, D.C., June 21-26, 2003. Washington, D.C.: WAC-5. Pp.329-330.
  24. Berezkin, Yuri. 2003. O zapadnom proishozhdenii algonkinov (areal’noe raspredelenie fol’klornyh motivov) [On Western Origins of the Algonkians (Areal Distribution of Folklore Motifs)] // Rossiiskaya Nauka o Cheloveke: Vchera, Segonia, Zavtra [Russian Science of Man: Past, Present and Future]. Transactions of the International Scientific Conference. Iss. 2. St. Petersburg: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology & Etnography (Kunstkamera); Institute of Ethnology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2003. Pp. 23-36.
  25. Berezkin, Yuri. 2004. Status krosskul’turnyh issledovanii [Status of the Cross-cultural Studies] // Abstracts of Papers Presented for the Radlovskie Chtenia 2004 [Radloff Readings 2004]. St. Petersburg: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera). Pp. 8-11.
  26. Berezkin, Yuri. 2004. Trikster kak seria epizodov [The trickster as a series of episodes] // Studia ethnologica. Proceedings of the Faculty of Ethnology. St. Petersburg: European University at St. Petersburg. Pp. 98-165.
  27. Berezkin, Yuri. 2004. Sibirsko-amerikanskie sviazi v oblasti mifologii [Siberian-American Links in Mythology] // Arkheolog, detektiv i myslitel’. Sbornik statei, posviaschennyh 77-letiu L’va Samoilovicha Kleina [Archaeologist, Detective and Thinker: Papers Presented for the Leo S. Klein Festschrift]. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University. Pp. 293-330.
  28. Berezkin, Yuri. 2004. Mify zaseliaiut Ameriku: areal’noe raspredelenie motivov v mifologiyah Sibiri i Novogo Sveta [Myths Colonize the Americas. Areal distribution of motifs in Siberian and the New World mythologies] // Stratum plus 2001-2002. No. 1. St. Petersburg, Chishneu, Odessa, Bukarest: High Anthropological School. Pp. 197-250.
  29. Berezkin, Yuri. 2004. Indeitsy Yuzhnoi Ameriki [South American Indians] // Mify i Religii Mira [Myths and Religions of the World], Sergei Nekliudov, ed. Moscow: Russian State University of the Humanities. Pp. 313-320.
  30. Berezkin, Yuri. 2004. Southern Siberian – North American Links in Mythology // Acta Americana (Stockholm – Uppsala) 12(1): 5-27.
  31. Berezkin, Yuri. 2005. Raznye yevraziiskie istochniki “arhaicheskih” i “geroicheskih” mifov v fol’klore indeitsev [Different Eurasian Sources for the “Archaic” and “Heroic” Myths in Amerindian Folklore] // Abstracts of Papers Presented for the Radlovskie Chtenia 2005 [Radloff Readings 2005]. Saint Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology & Etnography (Kunstkamera), Russian Academy of Sceinces. Pp. 23-29.
  32. Berezkin, Yuri. 2005. Yuzhnosibirskii komponent amerindeiskih mifologii: etnogeneticheskii i sociokul’turny aspekty [Southern Siberian Component of Amerindian Mythologies: Ethnogenetic and Sociocultural Aspects] // Sociogenesis in Northern Asia. Part 1. Irkutsk: Interregional Institute of Social Studies. Pp. 42-46.
  33. Berezkin, Yuri. 2005. The assessment of the probable age of Eurasian-American mythological links // Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia (Novosibirsk) 1(21): 146-151.
  34. Berezkin, Yuri. 2005. Mifologia kak istochnik dlia izuchenia demograficheskih i kul’turnyh protsessov v Yevrazii (indo-tihookeanskii i kontinental’nyi kompleksy motivov) [Mythology as a Basis for the Study of Demographic and Cultural Processes (Indo-Pacific and Continental Eurasian Sets of Motifs)] // Abstracts of Papers Presented for the VI Congress of Russian Ethnographers and Anthropologists. St. Petersburg, 28 June – 2 July 2005. St. Petersburg: Association of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia; Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology & Etnography (Kunstkamera). Pp. 9-19.
  35. Berezkin, Yuri. 2005. Genezis amerikanskogo trikstera [Origins of American Trickster] // Abstracts of Papers Presented for the VI Congress of Russian Ethnographers and Anthropologists. St. Petersburg, 28 June – 2 July 2005. St. Petersburg: Association of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia; Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology & Etnography (Kunstkamera). Pp. 84.
  36. Berezkin, Yuri. 2005. Sibirskie mify o proiskhozhdenii smerti v global’noi perspektive [Siberian Myths on the Origin of Death in a Global Perspective] // Abstracts of Papers Presented for the VI Congress of Russian Ethnographers and Anthropologists. St. Petersburg, 28 June – 2 July 2005. St. Petersburg: Association of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia; Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology & Etnography (Kunstkamera). Pp. 183.
  37. Berezkin, Yuri. 2005. “The Black Dog at the River of Tears”: Some Amerindian Representations of the Passage to the Land of the Dead and Their Roots // Forum for Anthropology and Culture 2: 130-170.
  38. Berezkin, Yuri. 2005. Mify glubokoi drevnosti [Myths of Remote Antiquity] // Priroda [Nature] (Moscow) 4: 55-61.
  39. Berezkin, Yuri. 2005. Dwarfs and cranes. Baltic Finnish mythologies in Eurasian and American perspective (70 years after Yrjö Toivonen) // Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practicies / 14th Congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR), Tartu, July 26–31 2005. Abstracts. P. 79-80.
  40. Berezkin, Yuri. 2005. Review of Ye. A. Okladnikova. Traditsionnye kul’tury Severnoi Ameriki kak tsivilizatsionnyi fenomen. St. Petersburg: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology & Etnography (Kunstkamera), Korona Print, 2003. 544 pp. // Etnograficheskoe Obozrenie 4: 151-155.
  41. Berezkin, Yuri. 2005. Cosmic hunt: variations of a Siberian – North American myth // Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia (Novosibirsk) 2(22): 141-150.
  42. Masson, Vadim & Yuri Berezkin, eds. 2005. The Chronology of the Late Eneolithic – Middle Bronze Ages in Central Asia (Burials of Altyn-Depe / Proceedings of the Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Science. Vol. 16. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sceinces & Nestor-Istoria. 541 pp.
  43. Berezkin, Yuri. 2005. Sakralizatsia vlasti v doispanskom Peru [The Sacralization of Power in Pre-Hispanic Peru] // The Sacralization of Power in the History of Civilization. Part 1. Moscow: Center for the Studies of Civilizations and Regions, Russian Academy of Sciences. Pp. 161-196.
  44. Berezkin, Yuri. 2005. Nekotorye tendentsii v global’nom rasprostranenii kompleksov fol’klorno-mifologicheskih motivov [Some Tendencies in the Global Distribution of the Sets of Folklore-Mythological Motifs] // Ad hominem. To the Memory of Nikolai Girenko. St. Petersburg: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology & Etnography (Kunstkamera). Pp. 131-156.
  45. Berezkin, Yuri. 2005. Review of Sergei A. Vasilyev. Drevneishie Kul’tury Severnoi Ameriki [The Earliest Cultures of North America]. St. Petersburg: Institute for the History of Material Culture, 2004. 140 pp. // Etnograficheskoe Obozrenie 5: 139-142.
  46. Berezkin, Yuri. 2005. Mir cherepahi: ot detskih rasskazov do kosmogonii. V sviazi s amuletom iz amerikanskoi kollektsii MAE [The world of the Turtle: from children stories to cosmologies. In connection with an amulet from American collection of Museum of Anthropology & Ethnography // The American Natives: Objects and Ideas] // Sbornik Museia Antropologii i Etnografii, vol. 50, Yuri Berezkin, ed. St. Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology (Kunstkamera), Russian Academy of Sciences. P. 251-279.
  47. Berezkin, Yuri. 2005. Novoe postuplenie: sosud kul’tury Lambayeque (Sican) // Aborigeny Ameriki: predmety i predstavlenia [New acquisition: a Vessel of Lambayeque (Sican) Culture // The American Natives: Objects and Ideas] // Sbornik Museia Antropologii i Etnografii, vol. 50, Yuri Berezkin, ed. St. Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology (Kunstkamera), Russian Academy of Sciences. P. 280-285.
  48. Berezkin, Yuri. 2005. Tihookeanski, vostochnoaziatski i tsentral’noyevraziiski platsdarmy zaselenia Amerika (analiz areal’nogo raspredelenia fol’klorno-mifologicheskih motivov) [The Pacific, East Asian and Central Eurasian Spring-Boards of the Peopling of America (the analysis of the areal distribution of the folklore-mythological motifs)] // The North Pacific: Cultural Adaptations in the Late Pleistocene – Early Holocene. Transcations of the International Scientific Conference “Along the Traces of the Ancient Hearths..”. Magadan: The Magadan University. Pp. 32-36.
  49. Berezkin, Yuri. 2005. Mify dalekogo proshlogo [Myths of the Remote Past] // Zhivaya Starina (Moscow) 4(48): 2-4.
  50. Berezkin, Yuri. 2005. Continental Eurasian and Pacific Links in American Mythologies and Their Possible Time-depth // Latin American Indian Literatures Journal 21(2): 99-115.
  51. Korotayev, Andrey, Yuri Berezkin, Artem Kozmin, & Alexandra Arkhipova. 2006. Return of the White Raven: Postdiluvial Reconnaissance Motif A2234.1.1 Reconsidered // Journal of American Folklore 119(472): 203-235.
  52. Berezkin, Yuri. 2006. Why people are mortal? Indo-Pacific Mythology and the “Out-of-Africa” Scenario / Paper presented to the International Workshop “General Patterns of Migrations”, Santa Fe, 8-11 February 2006. Santa Fe, NM: Santa Fe Institute. 16 p. (To be published in transactions of the Workshop in 2007).
  53. Berezkin, Yuri, & Artem Kozmin. 2006. Nomina sunt odiosa, Gvatemal’ski mif i yego tihookeanskie paralleli [Nomina sunt odiosa. Guatemal myth and its Pacific parallels] // Radlovskie chtenia [Radloff Readings 2005]. Saint Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. P. 102-106.
  54. Berezkin, Yuri. 2006. Folklore-Mythological Parallels among Peoples of Western Siberia, Northeastern Asia, and the Lower Amur – Primorye Region.  // Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia. 2006. No. 3(27). P. 112-122.
  55. Berezkin, Juri. 2006. The cosmic hunt: variants of a Siberian – North-American myth // Folklore (Tartu) 31: 79-100.
  56. Berezkin, Juri. 2007. Proishozhdenie smerti – drevneishi mif [The origin of death: the earliest myth] // Etnograficheskoe obozrenie (Moscow) 1: 70-89.
  57. Berezkin, Yuri. 2006. Do ili posle Zaveta? “Oplevannoe tvorenie” i soputstvuyuschie mifologicheskie motivy v Evrazii [Before or after the Testament? The “spoiled creation” and accompanying mythological motifs in Eurasia] // Kul’tura Aravii v Aziatskom Kontekste [Culture of Arabia in Asiatic Context]. St. Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. P. 225-249.
  58. Berezkin, Yuri. 2006. Review of “Handbook of North American Indians. Vol. 14. Southeast / Ed. Raymond D. Fogelson. Washington: Smithsonian Indtitution, 2005. 1042 p., ill.” // Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 6:157-161.
  59. Berezkin, Yuri. 2006. Western Europe as folklore refugium // Celto-Slavica 2. Abstracts of papers presented to the International Conference, Moscow, 14-17 September 2006. Moscow: Institute for Lingustics, Russian Academy of Sciences. P. 9-10
  60. Berezkin, Yuri. 2006. Yevraziiskaya prarodina aborigenov Ameriki (analis areal’nogo raspredelenia fol’klorno-mifologicheskih motivov) [Eurasian homeland of American natives (the analysis of areal distribution of the folklore-nythological motifs] // Etnokul’turnoe vzaimodeistvie v Eurazii. Programma fundamental’nyh issledovani Prezidium Rossiskoi Akademii Nauk [Ethnocultural Interaction in Eurasia. The Program of the Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences]. Book 1. Moscow” Nauka. P. 228-240.
  61. Berezkin, Yuri. 2006. Zhenschina-ptitsa v Chako i v Kalifornii: reliktovye formy sotsial’noi organizatsii i ih otrazhenie v fol’klore [Bird-woman in Chaco and in California: relic forms of social organization as reflected in folklore // Vlast’ v aborigennoi Amerike. Problemy indeanistiki [Power in Native America. The Problems of Amerindian Studies]. Moscow: Nauka. P. 383-409.
  62. Berezkin, Yuri. 2006. Eurazia – Amerika: dualistichekie kosmogonii [Eurasia and America: dual cosmologies // // Vlast’ v aborigennoi Amerike. Problemy indeanistiki [Power in Native American. The Problems of Amerindian Studies]. Moscow: Nauka. P. 353-382.
  63. Berezkin, Yuri. 2006. Vymanivanie i poimka Batradza. Sibirsko-severoamerikanskie paralleli k motivu nartskogo eposa i genezis geroicheskih obrazov [Luring and catching of Batradz. Siberian-American parallels for a motif of the Nart saga and the genesis of heroic imagery // Vlast’ v aborigennoi Amerike. Problemy indeanistiki [Power in Native American. The Problems of Amerindian Studies], A.A. Borodatova and V.A Tishkov, eds. Moscow: Nauka. P. 410-422.
  64. Berezkin, Yuri. 2006. Areal’noe raspredelenie fol’klorno-mifologicheskih motivov: global’naya baza dannyh i yeyo statisticheski analiz kak metod glubokoi rekonstruktsii chelovecheskoi mifologii [Areal distribution of folklore-mythological motifs: the Global database and its statistical processing as a method for deep reconstruction of human mythology // Istoria i matematika. Analiz i modelirovania sotsial’no-istoricheskih protsessov [History and Mathematics. Analysis and Modeling of Historical Processes. Moscow: URSS. P. 205-231.
  65. Berezkin, Yuri. 2007. Gipoteza afrikanskoi prarodiny i astral’naya mifologia [The Our-of-Africa hypothesis and the astral mythology] // Radlofski sbornik [Radloff Readings 2006]. St. Petersburg: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera). Pp. 12-17.
  66. Berezkin, Yuri. 2007. Mify Zaseliayut Ameriku. Areal’noe Raspredelenie Fol’klornyh Motivov i Rannie Migratsii v Novy Svet [Myths Colonize the Americas. Areal Distribution of Folklore Motifs and Early Migrations to the New World]. Moscow: O.G.I. [United Humanitarian Publishing House]. 359 p.
  67. Berezkin, Yuri. 2007. Proishozhdenie smerti – drevneishi mif [The origin of death as the earliest myth] // Etnograficheskoe obozrenie (Moscow) 1: 70-89.
  68. Berezkin, Yuri. 2007. Tri kita: motif opory zemli v evropeiskom fol’klore i iego vostochnoaziatskie paralleli [The three whales: motif of the earth support in European folklore and its East Asian parallels] // AB-60. Sbornik statei v k 60-letiu Al;berta Kashfullovicha Baiburina [AB-60. Albert Baiburin 60 Festschrift]. Saint Petersburg: European University at Saint Petersburg, 2007. (Studia ethnologica, iss. 4) // Pp. 298-317.
  69. Berezkin, Yuri. 2007. Dwarfs and cranes. Baltic Finnish mythologies in Eurasian and American perspective (70 years after Yriö Toivonen) // Folklore (Tartu), 2007, No. 36. Pp. 75-96.
  70. Berezkin, Yuri. 2007. “Earth-diver” and “emergence from under the earth”: cosmological tales as an evidence in favor of the heterogenic origins of American Indians // Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia. 2007. No. 4 (32). Pp. 110-123.
  71. Berezkin, Yuri. 2008. Yevraziiskie arealy kosmonimov, oboznachayuschie Pleiady [Eurasian areals of cosmonims for the Pleiades] // Radlovski sbornik 2007 [Radloff Readings 2007]. Saint Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. Pp. 113-121.
  72. Berezkin, Yuri. 2008. Afrikanski Stary Zavet u aziatskoe “narodnoe khristianstvo”? [African Old Testament and Asian “folk Christianity”?] // Mif, simvol, ritual. Narody Sibiri [Myth, Symbol, Ritual. Peoples of Siberia]. Moscow: Russian State University of Humanities. Pp. 222-257.
  73. Berezkin, Yuri. 2008. Sibirsko-saamskie paralleli v oblasti mifologii na fone siuzheta ATU 480 [Siberia – Saami links in mythology against the ATU tale-type 480] // Natales Grate numeras? Sbornik statei k 60-letiiu Georgiia Akhillovicha Levintona [Natales Grate Numeras? Collection in honor of the 60th birthday of Georgii Akhillovich Levinton]. Saint Petersburg: European University at Saint Petersburg. P. 119-143.
  74. Berezkin, Yuri. 2008. Alkor, kotelok i sobaka: mezhkontinentalye kul’turnye paralleli i epohal’nye izmenenia v kartine zvezdnogo neba [Alkor, a cooking pot and a dog: intercontinental cultural parallels and long-termed changes in the star map] // “Kirpichiki”: kul’turnaia antropologia i folkloristika segodnia. Sbornik v chest’ 65-letia Sergeia Yurivicha Nekliudova [“The Bricks”: Cultural Anthropology and Folklore Studies Today. Yuri Nekliudov Festschrift]. Moscow: Russian State University of Humanities. Pp. 11-23.
  75. Berezkin, Yuri. 2008. Motif “zhuravli i pigmei: v kontekste predstavlenii o mirozdanii v mifologiah Severnoi Yevrazii i Ameriki [“Cranes and dwarfs” motif in context of cosmological ideas in mythologies of Northern Eurasia and America // Godishnik na Asotsiatsia “ONGEL”, vol. VI, “Etnologia na prostranstvo” [“Ethnology of Space”], 5th yearbook, part. 2 (2007). Sofia (Bulgaria): “ROD”. Pp. 88 – 108.
  76. Berezkin, Yuri. 2009. Tihookeanski i tsentral’noaziatski komponenty amerindeiskih mifologii [Pacific and Central Asian components of Amerindian mythologies] // Indoneziitsy i ih sosedi. Festschrift E.V. Revunenkova and A.K. Ogloblin. St. Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology & Ethnography (Kunstkamera). P. 149-167.
  77. Berezkin, Yuri. 2009. Fol’klornoe nasledie drevnei Beringii i vremia vozniknovenia mifologicheskih motivov [Folklore heritage of ancient Beringia and the time of emergence of folklore motifs] // Radlovski sbornik 2008 [Radloff Readings 2008]. Saint Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. Pp. 43-48.
  78. Berezkin, Yuri. 2009. Fol’klor i mifologia Afriki v svete predstavlenii o prarodine cheloveka [African folklore and mythology in light of ideas concerning the origins of man] // Vestnik RGGU (Russian University of Humanities) 9: 18-43.
  79. Berezkin, Yuri. 2009. Out of Africa and further along the Coast (African – South Asian – Australian mythological parallels) // Cosmos: The Journal of Traditional Cosmology Society (Edinburgh). Vol. 23, N 1. P. 3-28.
  80. Berezkin, Yuri. 2009. Voron i zmei (al’ternativnye ob’yasnenia smertnosti cheloveka [Raven and snake: alternative explanations of the mortal nature of man] // Sibirskiy Sbornik 1. Pogrebal’ny Obryad narodov Sibiri i sopredel’nyh territoriy. Saint Petersburg: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology (Kunstkamera). P. 14-16.
  81. Berezkin, Yuri. 2009. Why are People Mortal? World Mythology and the “Out-of-Africa” Scenario // In Ancient Human Migrations. A Multidisciplinary Approach. Edited by Peter N. Peregrine, Ilia Peiros, and Marcus Feldman. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press. Р. 242-264.
  82. Berezkin, Yuri. 2009. Mify Starogo i Novogo Sveta [Myths of Old and New World]. Moscow: Astrel. 448 pp.
  83. Berezkin, Yuri. 2009. Zarosshaia vyrubka. Novy dovod v pol’zu istoricheskoi sviazi mifov o proishozhdenii s’yedobnyh rastenii v tsirkumtihookeanskon regione // Radlofski sbornik 2009 [Radloff Readings 2009]. Saint Petersburg: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology (Kunstkamera). P. 7-11.
  84. Berezkin, Yuri. 2019. The Pleiades as Openings, Milky Way as the Path of Birds, Girl in the Moon: North-Eurasian ethno-cultural links in the looking-glass of cosmonymy // Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 4(44): 100-113.
  85. Berezkin, Yuri. 2009. Mifologia Afriki: areal’noe raspredelenie motivov [Mythology of Africa: areal distribution of motifs] // Zhivaia Starina 2: 43-45.
  86. Berezkin, Yuri. Kirtimukha, sisiutl i drugie simmetrichno-razvernutye izobrazhenia indo-tihookeanskogo regiona [Kīrttimukha, Sisiutl and other split representations of Indo-Pacific region] // Aziatski bestiarii. Obrazy zhivotnyh v rtraditsiyah Yuzhnoi, Yugo-Zapadnoi i Tsentral’noi Azii. Saint Petersburg: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology (Kunstkamera). P. 5-24.
  87. Berezkin, Yuri. 2009. The “Raven’s Arch” and computer databases. Comparing mythologies 100 years after Jesup – Jesup team perspectives on folklore similarities // “Raven’s Arch” (1903-2002). The Jesup North Pacific Expedition Revisited. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. P. 61-86. (Senry Ethnological Studies 82). [In Japanese]
  88. Vasiliev, Sergei, Yuri Berezkin, and Alexander Kozintsev. 2009. Sibir’ i pervye amerikantsy [Siberia and the First Americans]. Saint Petersburg: Institute for History of Material Culture and Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology (Kunstkamera). 170 p.
  89. Berezkin, Yuri. 2009. Ryba i byk: zoomorfnaia opora zemli v fol’klore Evraziy [The fish and the bull: zoomorphic support of the earth in Eurasian folklore] // Godishnik na asotsiatsia “Ongl” (Sofia, Bulgaria), Vol. 7, year VI. P. 144-169.
  90. Berezkin, Yuri. 2010. Mifologicheskie ob’yasnenia smertnosti cheloveka i problema proiskhozhdenia na-dene [Mythological explanations of the mortal nature of man and problem of the Na-Dene origins] // Ot bytiya k inobytiyu. Fol’klor i pogrebal’ny obriad v traditsionnyh kul’turah Sibiri i Ameriki. Saint Petersburg: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology (Kunstkamera). P. 7-50.
  91. Berezkin Yuri. 2010. Selecting separate episodes of the peopling of the New World: Beringian–Subarctic–Eastern North American folklore links // Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska 5 (1-2): 257-276. (The Dene-Yeniseian Connection, ed. by James Kari and Ben A. Potter. Fairbanks: University of Alaska).
  92. Berezkin Yuri. 2010. Iz mifologii algonkinov i atapaskov. K rekonstruktsii etnokul’turnoi istorii Severnoi Ameriki [From the Algonkian and Athabaskan mythology. To the reconstruction of ethnic history of North America] // Otkrytie Ameriki prodolzhaetsia [Discovery of America Goes on]. Iss. 4. Saint Petersburg: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology (Kunstkamera). P. 6-96.
  93. Sen’ko, Oleg, Yuri Berezkin, Svetlana Borinskaia, Artem Kozmin, and Alexandra Kuznetsova. 2010. Issledovamie fol’klorno-mifologicheskih traditsiy s ispol’zovanien metoda intellectual’nogo analiza dannyh [Study of folklore-mythological traditions using the method of intellectual analysis of the data] // Otkrytie Ameriki prodolzhaetsia [Discovery of America Goes on]. Iss. 4. Saint Petersburg: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology (Kunstkamera). P. 97-198.
  94. Berezkin, Yuri. 2010. Sky-maiden and world mythology. The dispersal of modern man and the areal patterns of folklore-mythological motifs // L’Impensé symbolique. IRIS. Les Cahiers du GER: Éditions litteraires et linguistique de l’Universite de Grenoble (ELLUG). N 31. P. 27-39.
  95. Berezkin, Yuri. 2010. The Pleiades as openings, the Milky Way as the path of birds and the girl on the Moon: cultural links across Northern Eurasia // Folklore (Tartu) 44: 7-34. [The same in Estonian: Berezkin, Juri. 2010. Plejaadid kui taevaavad, Linnutee ja neiu Kuul: kultuuriseosed Põhja-Euraasias // Mäetagused 46: 7-36]
  96. Berezkin, Yuri. 2010. The emergence of the first people from the underworld: Another cosmogonic myth of a possible African origin // New Perspectives on Myth. Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the International Association for Comparative Mythology. Ravenstein (the Netherlands), 19-21 August, 2008. Wim M.J. van Binsbergen & Eric Venbrux, eds. Haarlem: An African Journal of Philosophy / Revue Africaine de Philosophie. P. 109-125.
  97. Berezkin, Yuri. 2010. Tricksters trot to America. Areal distribution of folklore motifs // Folklore (Tartu) 46: 125-142.
  98. Berezkin, Yuri. 2010. Kadiak v kul’turnom prostranstve severnoi Patsifiki [Kodiak in the Northern Pacific cultural space] // Eskimosy aliutiik. Katalog kollektsiy Kunstkamery [Alutiiq Eskimo. Kustkamera Collections Catalogue] / Texts and idea of Sergei A. Korsun, ed. by Yuri E. Berezkin. Saint Petersburg: Nauka. P. 421-450.
  99. Berezkin, Yuri. 2010. Spoiled creation: European folk beliefs and Asian mythologies // Aramazd: Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies IV(2): 7-35.
  100. Berezkin, Yuri. 2010. Dva motiva v mifologiyah zapadnoi Melanezii i proishozhdenie lapity [Two motifs on mythologies of Western Melanesia and Lapita origins] // Avstralia, Okeania i Indonezia v prostranstve vremeni i istorii [Australia, Oceania and Indonesia in the Space of the Time and History]. St. Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology & Etnography (Kunstkamera). P. 58-68.
  101. Berezkin, Yuri. 2010. From Africa and back: some areal patterns of mythological motifs // Mother Tongue, Journal of the Association for the Study of Language In Prehistory. Fifteen Anniversary Issue. Vol. 15. P. 1-67.
  102. Berezkin, Yuri. 2011. Sobaka i loshad’: k rekonstruktsii drevnei mifologii evraziiskih stepei [Dog and horse: to the reconstruction of ancient mythology of Eurasian Steppe] // Radlofski sbornik [Radloff Readings 2011]. St. Petersburg: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera). Pp. 260-264.
  103. Berezkin, Yuri. 2011. Out-of-Africa hypothesis and areal patterns of cosmological motifs // Acta Americana 17(1): 5-22.
  104. Berezkin, Yuri. 2011. Svad’ba Solntsa otmenena: balkanski mif i yego istoki [Marriage of the Sun canceled] // Epos – Yezik – Mit. Sofia: “Rod”. P. 199-211.
  105. Berezkin, Yuri. 2011. O strukture istorii [On the structure of history] // Liderstvo v arkhaike [The Leadership in Archaic Culture. Saint Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. P. 87-97.
  106. Berezkin, Yuri. 2011. Chetyre folklornyh motiva iz treh epokh v istorii Indonezii i Filippin [Four folklore motifs from the three epochs of the Indonesia and Philippines’ history // Pilipinas muna! Filippiny prezhde vsego. Sbornik statei k 80-letiyu G.Ye. Rachkova [The Philippines First of All! Gennadi Rachkov 80 Festschrift]. Saint Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. P. 138-174.
  107. Berezkin, Yuri. 2012. Nanaiskiy fol’klor i prarodina amerikanskih indeitsev [The Nanai foklore and the American Indians homeland] // Radlovski sbornik [Radloff Yearbook] 2011. Saint Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. P. 329-338.
  108. Berezkin, Yuri. 2012. Tsirkumpontiyskiye i drugiye svyazi bolgarskoy kosmologii [The circum-Pontic and other links in Bulgarian cosmology] // Etnos i sakralna geografia. Sofia: “Rod”. P. 181-201.
  109. Berezkin, Yuri. 2012. Kantaiheiyō ni okeni Nihon shinwa mochīfu no bunpu [The distribution of motifs found in Japanese mythology in the Circumpacific area], translated by Hitoshi Yamada // Aija Yūgaku, Special issue: 1300th Jubelee Kojiki.
  110. Berezkin, Yuri. 2013. Afrika, migratsii, mifologia. Areal’noe raspredelenie fol’klornyh motivov v istoricheskoi perspektive [Africa, Migrations, Mythology. Areal Patterns of the Folklore Motifs in the Historical Perspective]. Saint Petersburg: Nauka. 319 p.
  111. Berezkin, Yuri. 2013. Mezhdu obschinoi i gosudarstvom. Srednemasshtabnye obschestva Nurkearnoi Ameriki i Perednei Azii v istoricheskoi dinamike [Between the Community and the State. Middle-range Societies of Nuclear America and the Near East in Historical Dynamics]. Saint-Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology & Ethnography. 255 p.
  112. Berezkin, Yuri. 2014. The dog, the horse and the creation of man // Folklore (Tartu) 56: 25-46. 1,3 п.л.
  113. Berezkin, Yuri. 2014. World distribution of zoomorphic protagonists of the trickster tales // Route de la soie dans la mythologie, ed. par Chiwaki Shinoda. Chiba: Librarie Rakuro. P. 447-458. 1 п.л.
  114. Berezkin, Yuri. 2014. Native American and Eurasian elements in post-Columbian Peruvian tales // Sources of Mythology. Ancient and Contemporary Myths. Zürich, Berlin: Lit Verlag. P. 281-303. (Proceedings of the Seventh Annual International Conference on Comparative Mythology (15 – 17 May, Tübingen). Klaus Antony and David Weiß, eds. (Tübingen). https://www.academia.edu/9614002/Sources_of_Mythology._Ancient_and_Contemporary_Myths._Edited_by_Klaus_Antoni_David_Wei%C3%9F
  115. Berezkin, Yuri. 2014. Three tricksters: world distribution of zoomorphic protagonists in folklore tales // Scala Naturae. Festschrioft in Honour of Arvo Krikmann for his 75th birthday. Ed. by Anneli Baran, Liisi Laineste, Piret Voolaid. Tartu: ELM Scholaly Press. P. 347-356. 1 п.л.
  116. Berezkin, Yuri. 2014. Variations in development of socio-political complexity before the emergence of states and in the research approaches // Forum for Anthropology and Culture 20: 187-217.
  117. Berezkin, Yuri. 2014. Neolit, Andy i Peredniaya Azia [Neolithic, the Andes and the Near East] // Rossiski arkheologicheski yezhegodnic [Russian Archaeological Yearbook] 4: 18-25.
  118. Berezkin, Yuri. 2014. Zoomorfnye trikstery: zakomomernosti areal’nogo raspredelenia [Animal tricksters: tendencies of areal distribution] // Bestiari III. Zoomofizmy v traditsionnom universume [Bestiaty III. Zoomorphic images in traditional universe]. Saint Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology & Ethnography. P. 29-42.
  119. Berezkin, Yuri. 2014. Zoomorfnaya opora zemli: yuzhnoaziatskiy sled [Zoomorphic support of the earth: the South Asian trace] // Zografskiy sbornik [Zograff Collection of Papers]. Issue. 4. Saint Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology & Ethnography. P. 11-49.
  120. Berezkin, Yuri. 2014. World distribution of zoomorphic protagonists of the trickster tales // Nouvelle Mythologie Comparée / New Comparative Mythology 2: 1-13.
  121. Berezkin, Yuri. 2014. Deyat’ let i dvadtsat’ nomerov spustya [After ten years and twenty numbers (participation in discussion in Forum for Anthropology & Culture) // Antropologicheskiy Forum 20: 17-20.
  122. Berezkin, Yuri. 2014. Review of Mary Douglas. A Very Personal Method. Anthropological Writings Drawn from Life. Los Angeles et al.: Sage, 2013. 318 p. // Antropologicheskiy Forum 20: 352-361.
  123. Berezkin, Yuri. 2014. Varianty politogeneza v dogosudarstvennuyu epokhu i podkhody k ikh izucheniyu [Variants of the growth of social complexity in the [re-state epoch and approaches for their study] // Antropologicheskiy Forum 20: 187-217.
  124. Berezkin, Yuri. 2014. Neolit, Andy i Perednyaya Azia [The Neolith, the Andes and the Near East // Russian Archaeological Yearbook 4: 18-25.
  125. Berezkin, Yuri. 2014. Zoomorfnye trikstery: zakonomernosti areal’nogo raspredeleniya [Animal tricksters: tendencies of their areal spread // Bestiary III. Zoomorfizmy v traditsionnom universume, ed. M.A. Rodionov. Saint Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology & Ethnography. P. 29-42.
  126. Berezkin, Yuri. 2014. Review of Jack Goody. Metals, Culture and Capitalism. An Essay on the Origins of the Modern World. Cambridge et al.: Cambridge University Press, 2012. 349 p. // Antropologicheskiy Forum 22: 291-300.
  127. Berezkin, Yuri. 2014. Serpent that closed sources of water and Serpent that devours nestlings of giant bird: assessment of the age of the dragon-fighting myths in Eurasia // Aramazd: Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Vol. 8, issues 1-2. Pp. 186-193.
  128. Berezkin, Yuri. 2014. Imperia Inkov [The Inca Empire]. Moscow: Algotitm. 256 p. ISBN 978-5-4438-0894-9 (reprint of 1991, ca. ¼ of text is replaced).
  129. Berezkin, Yuri & Svetlana Borinskaya. 2014. O chem govorili nashi dalekie predki [What our remote ancesters were talking about // Priroda 12: 48-54.
  130. Berezkin, Yuri. 2014. V.M. Masson i sotsial’naya antropologia (vtoraya polovina 20 – nachalo 21 veka) [V.M. Masson and social anthropology of the second half of the 20th – early 21st centuries ] // Kul’turohenez i Kul’turnoye Nasledie, A.V. Bondarev ed. Moscow & Saint Petersburg: Tsentr gumanitarnykh issledovaniy. P. 64-79.
  131. Berezkin, Yuri. 2015. Siberian Folklore and the Na-Dene Origins // Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 1(61): 122-134.
  132. Berezkin, Yuri. 2015. «Semero brat’yev», «nebesnaya povozka » i prarodina indoyevropeitsev [“Seven Brother”, “The Sky Cart” and the Indo-European Homeland] // Etnograficheskoe Obozrenie 3: 3-14.
  133. Berezkin, Yuri. 2015. Spread of folklore motifs as a proxy for information exchange: contact zones and borderlines in Eurasia // Trames. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 19(1): 3-13.
  134. Berezkin, Yuri. 2015. Tsirkumtihookeanskoe iskusstvo v paleolite [Circum-Pacific Art in the Paleolithic] // Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology 1 (Time of the First Artists): 73-102.
  135. Berezkin, Yuri. 2015. Nizkoye nebo: aziatsko-afrikanskaya versia universal’nogo motiva [The Low Sky: the Asian-Africa Version of a Universal Motif] // Radlovski Sbornik 2014. Saint Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology & Ethnography (Kunstkamera). P. 17-26.
  136. Berezkin, Yuri. 2015. Folklore and mythology catalogue: its lay-out and potential for research // The Retrospect Methods Network Newsletter 10. Between Text and Practice. Mythology, Religion and Research. A special issue of RMN Newsletter, ed. by Frog and Karina Lukin. Helsinki: University of Helsinki. P. 56-70.
  137. Berezkin, Yuri. 2015. Rasprostranenie fol’klornyh motivov kak obmen informatsii, ili Gde Zapad granichit s Vostokom [Spread of folklore motifs as information exchange, or Where the West meets the East] // Forum for Anthropology and Culture 26: 153-170.
  138. Berezkin, Yuri. 2015. Zoomorfnaya opora zemli i vishapy – protivniki gromoverzhtsa [Zoomorphic Earth-Support and the Vishaps, Adversaries of the Thunder-god] // In The Vishap Stone Stelae, Armen Petrosyan and Arsen Bobokhan, eds. Yerevan: “Gitutyun. P. 59-80.
  139. Vasil’ev, Sergei A., Yuri E. Berezkin, Alexander G. Kozintsev, Ilya I. Peiros, Sergei B. Slobodin, & Andrei V. Tabarev. 2015. Zaselenie chelovekom Novogo Sveta: opyt kompleksnogo issledovania [Peopling of the New World: A Multidisciplinary Study]. Saint Petersburg: Nestor-Istoria. 680 pp. ISBN 978-5-4469-0650-5
  140. Berezkin, Yuri. 2015. Siberian Folklore and the Na-Dene Origins // Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 1(61): 122-134.
  141. Berezkin, Yuri. 2015. «Semero brat’yev», «nebesnaya povozka» i prarodina indoyevropeitsev [The Seven Brothers, the Sky Cart and the Indo-European homeland // Etnograficheskoye obozrenie 3: 3-14.
  142. Berezkin, Yuri. 2015. Spread of folklore motifs as a proxy for information exchange: contact zones and borderlines in Eurasia // Trames. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 19(1): 3-13.
  143. Berezkin, Yuri. 2015. Tsirmkumtikhookeanskoye iskusstvo v paleolite [Circum-Pacific art in the Paleolithic] // Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology 1 (Time of the First Artists): 73-102.
  144. Berezkin, Yuri. 2015. Review of «Lev Klein. Istoriya antropologicheskikh ucheniy [History of the Anthropological Thought], L.B. Vishnyatskiy ed. Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University, 2014. 744 p.» // Antropologicheskiy Forum 24: 242-252.
  145. Berezkin, Yuri. 2015. Nizkoye nebo: aziatsko-afrikanskaya versiya universal’nogo motiva [The low sky: Asian-African version of a universally known motif] // Radlovskiy sbornik 2014. Saint Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology & Ethnography. P. 17-26.
  146. Berezkin, Yuri. 2015. Folklore and mythology catalogue: its lay-out and potential for research // The Retrospective Methods Network Newsletter 10. Between Text and Practice. Mythology, Religion and Research. A special issue of RMN Newsletter, ed. by Frog and Karina Lukin. Helsinki: University of Helsinki. P. 56-70.
  147. Berezkin, Yuri. 2015. Rasprostraneniye fol’klornykh motivov kak obmen informatsiyei, ili Gde zapad granichit s vostokom [Areal Spread of Folklore Motifs as Information Exchange, or About the Borderline Between West and East] // Antropologicheskiy Forum 26: 153-170.
  148. Berezkin, Yuri. 2015. Zoomorfnaya opora zemli i vishapy – protivniki gromoverzhtsa [The zoomorphic world support and the vishaps, enemies of the Thunder god] // In Kamennye stely vishapy, A.E. Petrosyan and A.A. Bobokhyan eds. Yerevan: “Gitut’un”. P. 59-80.
  149. Berezkin, Yuri. 2015. Yuzhnye Andy v doispanskiy period [The South Andes in the Pre-Hispanic Period // Istoriya Bolivii s drevneishikh vremen do nachala 20 veka. Moscow: Nauka. P. 11-40. ISBN 978020391833
  150. Vasilev A.A., Berezkin Yu.E., Kozintsev A.G., Peiros I.I., Slobodin S.B., & Tabarev A.V. 2015. Zaseleniye Chelovekom Novogo Sveta: Opyt Kompleksnogo Issledovaniya [Peopling of the New World: A Multidisciplinary Study]. Saint Petersburg: Nestor-Istoria. 680 p. ISBN 978-5-4469-0650-5.
  151. Berezkin, Yuri. 2015. Review of «Pervonachal’noye zaselenie Arktiki chelovekom v usloviyakh menyayuscheisya prirodnoi sredy. Atlas-monografia [Human Colonization of the Arctic: The Interaction Between Early Migration and the Paleoenvironment, V.M. Kotlyakov, A.A. Velichko, A.A. Vasil’ev eds. Moscow: GEOS, 2014. 518 p.» // Etnograficheskoye obozrenie 1: 170-175.
  152. Berezkin, Yuri. 2016. Umnaya nevestka i plenny khan, ili To, chego net v ukazatelyakh [Clever daughter-in-law and the captive khan ] // Radlovskiy sbornik. Saint Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology & Ethnography. P. 18-28.
  153. Berezkin, Yuri. 2016. Peopling of the New World in light of the data on distribution of folklore motifs // Maths Meets Myths: Quantitative Approaches to Ancient Narratives (Understanding Complex Systems). Ralph Kenna, Máirín Mac Carron, and Pádraig Mac Carron eds. SpringerVerlag. P. 71-89.
  154. Berezkin, Yuri. 2016. Children pursued by an ogre. Western and Eastern Eurasian borrowings in the 20th century Quechua narratives // Latin American Indian Literatures Journal 30(2): 185-215.
  155. Berezkin, Yuri. 2016. Kak obrabotka dannykh mirivogo fol’klora prolivayet svet na proshloye Yevrazii [How the processing of data on the world folklore sheds a new light on the Eurasian prehistory] // Metody i kontseptsii v fol’kloristike, sotsiolingvistike i kul’turnoy antropologii (konets XX – nachalo XXI veka). Materialy XVI Mezhdunarodnoy shkoly-konferentsii po fol’kloristike, sotsiolingvistike i kul’turnoy antropologii. Moscow: RGGU. P. 18-20.
  156. Berezkin, Yuri & Evgeny Duvakin. 2016. Buried in a head: African and Asian parallels to Aesop’s fable // Folklore (London) 127(1): 91-102.
  157. Berezkin, Yuri & Evgeny Duvakin. 2016. The captive khan and the clever daughter-in-law // Folklore (Tartu) 64: 33-56. http://www.folklore.ee/folklore/vol64/khan.pdf doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7592/FEJF2016.64.khan
  158. Berezkin, Yuri. 2016. Stratigraphy of cultural interaction in Eurasia based on computing of folklore motifs // Trames. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 20(3): 217-227.
  159. Berezkin Yuri, Cherkashin D.V., Kogan L.Ye., Naumkin V.V. 2016. Motivy sokotriyskogo fol’klora v yevraziyskom kontekste // Arabskiye marshruty v aziatskom kontekste, P. Pogorel’skiy ed. Saint Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology & Ethnography. P. 38-92.
  160. Berezkin, Yuri. 2016. Aziatskiy sled v afrikanskom fol’klore v svete dannykh o transkontinental’nykh svyazyakh v akvatorii Indiyskogo okeana vo II tys. do n.e. [Asian trace in the African folklore in the light of data on the transcontinental links across the Indian Ocean, Ii mill. B.C. – I mill. A.D.] // Zografskiy sbornik. Iss. 5. M.F. Al’bedil’ and Ya.V. Vasil’kov eds. Saint Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology & Ethnography, 2016. P. 23-44.
  161. Berezkin, Yuri. 1916. Vostochnoslavyanskiy fol’klor v yesropeiskom i yevraziyskom kontekste (rezul’taty statisticheskoy obrabotki dannykh) [The East Slavic folklore in the European and Eurasian context (results of the statistical processing of the data] // Antropologicheskiy Forum 31: 9-24.
  162. Berezkin, Yuri, D. Cherkashin, L. Kogan, V. Naumkin. 2016. Motifs of Soqotri Narratives: Towards a Comparative-Typological Analysis // Aula Orientalis 34(2): 201-243.
  163. Berezkin, Yuri. 2016. Areal distribution of the types of task-givers: peopling of America and the age of the folklore motifs. “Difficult tasks” theme in context of the study of the global distribution of folklore motifs // Power and Speech: Mythology of the Social and the Sacred. Marcin Lisecki, Louise Milne, Natalya Yanchevskaya, eds. Toruń: Pracownia Wydawnicza EIKON. P. 131-154.
  164. Berezkin, Yuri. 2016. Rezul’taty obrabotki dannykh o raspredelenii fol’klorno-mifologicheskikh motivov v Severnoy Azii (yuzhnoaziatskiye i amerikanskiye svyazi) [Results of the processing of the data on the spread of the folklore-mythological motifs in the Northern Asia (the South Asian and the American links] // Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri 2(31): 5-14.
  165. Berezkin, Yuri. 2017. Tema «trudnykh zadach»: raspredeleniye tipov personazhey po regionam i otsenka drevnosti obrazov [The theme of the “difficult tasks”: the distribution of the actors’ types across regions and the assessment of the age of their emergence] // Aziatski bestiarii, 4. M.A. Rodionov ed. Saint Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology & Ethnography. P. 37-56.
  166. Berezkin, Yuri. 2017. Rozhdeniye zvezdnogo neba. Predstavleniya o nochnyh svetilah v istoricheskoy dinamike [The Birth of the Starry Sky. Ideas about the night luminaries in historical dynamics]. Saint Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology & Ethnography. (In Russian with English abstract, content and captions for illustrations). 316 p. ISBN 978-5-88431-326-2.
  167. Berezkin, Yuri. 2017. «Trudnye zadachi»: tipologiya, areal’naya priurochennost’ i otsenka drevnosti obrazov [“The difficult tasks”: typology, areal spread and the assessment of the age] // Zhivaya starina 112(94): 5-9.
  168. Berezkin, Yuri. 2017. O mifologii [On the mythology] // Etnograficheskoye obozrenie 3: 5-12.
  169. Sokolov A.B., Vlasova Ye.M., Borinskaya S.A., Berezkin Yu. 2017. Mify o proiskhozhdenii cheloveka [Myths on the origin of man] // Priroda 10: 84-90.
  170. d’Huy J. & Yu. Berezkin. 2017. How did the first humans perceive the starry night? – On the Pleiades // The Retrospective Methods Network Newsletter (University of Helsinki) 12-13: 98-120.
  171. Berezkin, Yuri. 2017. Kizil v kontekste tsirkumpontiiskih parallelei [Dogwood in Context of Circum-Pontic Folklore Parallels] // Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies. Vol. 13. Part 2. Ed. by N.N. Kazansky. St Petersburg: Nauka. P. 27-39.
  172. Berezkin, Yuri. 2018. Manifestation of Worldviews in Traditional Narratives: A Reconstruction of Global Tendencies in the Dispersal and Chronology of the Emergence of Mythological Motifs // Archaeology, Anthropology & Ethnography of Eurasia (Novosibirsk) 46(2): 140-148.
  173. Thuillard, Marc, Jean-Loïc Le Quellec, Julien d’Huy, Yuri Berezkin. 2018. A large-scale study of world myths // Trames. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 22(72/67), 4: 407-424.
  174. Berezkin, Yuri. 2018. Epokhalnye i regionalnye trendy v evolyutsii folklornyh syuzhetov i obrazov [Epochal and Regional Trends in Evolution of Folklore Tales and Images] // Evolutsia [Evolution]. Ed. by L.E. Grinin and A.V. Korotayev. Volgograd: Uchitel. P. 187-207.
  175. Berezkin, Yuri. 2018. Samodiyskaya kosmologia v sibirsko-severoamerikanskom kontekste [Samoyedic Cosmology in Siberian and North American Context] // Uralo-altayskiye issledovaniya [Ural-Altay Studies] 2(29): 18-29.
  176. Berezkin, Yuri. 2018. “Stepnoi”, “tayezhny” i “tundrovy” komponenty v sibirskoi i severoamerikanskoi kosmonimii [“Steppe”, “Taiga” and “Tundra” Components in Siberian and North American Cosmonymy] // Etnograficheskoye obozrenie [Ethnographic Review] 6: 114-123.
  177. Renskovskaya, Eugenia, Anastasia Krylova & Yuri Berezkin. 2018. New Data on the South Asian Folklore and Mythology (the Kullui and Sora Materials) // Yaroslav Vasilkov Festschroft. Ed. by M.F. Albedil and N.A. Yanchevskaya. St Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology & Ethnography. P. 39-50.
  178. Berezkin, Yuri. 2018. Stranstvuyuschaya geroinya i ee brat’ya: nezamechenny sibirski syuzhet [Travelling Girl and Her Brothers: an Unnoticed Siberian Tale] // Tomski zhurnal lingvisticheskih i antropologicheskih issledovaniy [Tomsk Journal of Linguistic and Anthropology] 3(21): 67-75.
  179. Berezkin, Yuri. 2018. Sibir i Thentralnaya Azia kak innovatsionny region [Siberia and Central Asia as a Region of Innovations] // Antropologicheski Forum [Forum for Anthropology & Culture] 39: 33-51.
  180. Zoloto imperii Inkov. Bog, vlast’, vechnost’. 2000 let velikoi tsivilizatsii [Gold of the Inca Empyre. God, Power, Eternity. 2000 years of great civilization. Exhibition catalogue]. Staint Petersburg: Slavia, 2018. 207 p. {Most of texts and general supervision by Yuri Berezkin}.
  181. Berezkin, Yuri. 2019. Lugalbanda i Anzud. Yuzhnye paralleli vostochno- i severoyevropeiskim folklorno-mifologicheskim motivam [Lugalbanda and Anzud. Southern Parallels for Eastern and Northern European Folklore and Mythological Motifs] // The Bestiary, vol. V. Ed. by M.A. Rodionov. St Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology & Ethnography. P. 5-12.
  182. Berezkin, Yuri. 2019. Athabaskan – Siberian folklore links: in search of Na-Dene origins // Folklore (London) 130(1) (March 2019). P. 31-47.
  183. Berezkin, Yuri. 2019. The travelling girl and her helpful siblings: an unnoticed Boreal tale and the ATU indes // Folklore (Tartu) 75: 71-90. 
  184. Berezkin, Yuri. 2019. Vozrast motiva i sposoby yego opredeleniya [Age of the Motif and Methods to Determine It] // Folklor: structura, tipologiya, semiotica [Folklore: Structure, Typology, Semiotic] 1(3): 17-45.
  185. Berezkin, Yuri. 2019.Posledovatel’nost’ perenosa mifologicheskih motivov v Ameriku [The suquence of the transmission of mythological motifs into America] // Etnografia 3(5): 8-25.
  186. Berezkin, Yuri. 2019. “Skazka o tsare Saltane” (syuzhet ATU 707) i yevraziisko-amerikanskiye paralleli [“The Tale about Tzar Saltan” (tale type ATU 707) and Eurasian-American parallels]. Antropologicheski Forum [Forum for Anthropology & Culture] 43: 89-110.
  187. Berezkin, Yuri. 2019. Drevni Yuzhny Turkmenistan v svete sovremennogo evolyutsionizma [Ancient Southern Turkmenistan in the light of the present day evolutionism] // Antiquities of East Europe, South Asia and South Siberia in the context of connections and interactions within the Eurasian cultural space (new data and concepts). Proceedings of the International Conference, November 18-22, 2019, St. Petersburg: Institute for the History of Material Culture, etc.. Vol. 1. P. 12-14.
  188. Berezkin, Yuri. 2020. Areal’nyye sviazi drevnei yaponskoi mifologii [Areal connections of Ancient Japanese mythology] // Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 1: 154-168.
  189. Berezkin, Yuri & Evgeny Duvakin. Electronic Analytical Catalogue of Folklore-Mythological Motifs: Thematic Classification and Areal Distribution (ca. 60,000 abstracts of texts). Russian version at http://www.ruthenia.ru/folklore/berezkin.

Important International Conferences since 2002

  1. Pacific and Continental Motifs in Siberian, Japanese and Native American Folktales: Early Migrations Across Alaska?. The International Symposium “The Raven’s Arch: Jesup North Pacific Expedition Revisited” Sapporo, October 24th-28th, 2002 held in Tenjin-yama Guest House 1-80, Hiragishi 2-17, Toyohira-ku, Sapporo.
  2. Tihookeanski komponent amerindeiskih mifologii (k voprosu zaselenia Novogo Sveta) [The Pacific Component of Amerindian Mythologies (to the problem of the peopling of America]. Problemy arheologii i paleoekologii Severnoi, Vostochnoi i Tsentral’noi Azii. Mezhdunarodnaia konferentsia “Iz Veka v Vek», posviaschennaia 95-letiu so dnia rozhdenia akademika A.P. Okladnikova [Problems of Archaeology and Paleoecology of the Northern, Eastern and Central Asia. The International Conference “Through the Centuries” organized in honor to the 95 Anniversary of Alexei P. Okladnikov]. Vladivostok, 11-25 September 2003, Russian Academy of Sciencies, Far Eastern and Siberian Branches.
  3. Northern Parallels in Southern Athabascan Folklore. 2) Folklore Parallels between Central Algonkians and the Peoples of the Plateau. 3) Central Eurasian – North American Folklore Links: Areal Correlation of a Series of Motifs. 5th World Archaeological Congress, Washington, D.C., June 21-26, 2003.
  4. Yuzhnosibirskii komponent amerindeiskih mifologii: etnogeneticheskii i sociokul’turny aspekty [Southern Siberian Component of Amerindian Mythologies: Ethnogenetic and Sociocultural Aspects]. Sociogenesis in Northern Asia, 21-25 May, 2005, Irkutsk Technical University.
  5. Mifologia kak istochnik dlia izuchenia demograficheskih i kul’turnyh protsessov v Yevrazii (indo-tihookeanskii i kontinental’nyi kompleksy motivov) [Mythology as a Basis for the Study of Demographic and Cultural Processes (Indo-Pacific and Continental Eurasian Sets of Motifs)]. 2) Genezis amerikanskogo trikstera [Origins of American Trickster]. 3) Sibirskie mify o proishozhdenii smerti v global’noi perspektive [Siberian Myths on the Origin of Death in a Global Perspective]. VI Congress of Russian Ethnographers and Anthropologists. St. Petersburg, 28 June – 2 July 2005. St. Petersburg: Association of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia; Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology & Etnography (Kunstkamera).
  6. Dwarfs and cranes. Baltic Finnish mythologies in Eurasian and American perspective (70 years after Yrjö Toivonen).” Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practicies. 14th Congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR), Tartu, July 26–31, 2005. Tartu Literary Museum & Tartu University.
  7. Why are people mortal? Indo-Pacific Mythology and the “Out-of-Africa” Scenario” . The International Workshop “General Patterns of Migrations”, Santa Fe, 8-11 February, 2006. Santa Fe, NM: Santa Fe Institute.
  8. Thinking about death from the very beginning. African origins of some mythological motifs // International conference on Comparative Mythology, Harvard & Peking Universities. Beijing, May 11-13, 2006.
  9. Western Europe as folklore refugium”. International Conference “Celto-slavica – 2”. Moscow, Russian Academy os Science, Institute for Linguistics, Moscow State University, September 13-16, 2006.
  10. Areal distribution of the folklore-mythological motifs: the global database and its statistical processing as a method to reconstruct the evolution of human mythology”. Russian State Humanitarian University, December 20-22, 2006.
  11. “Out-of-Africa and further along the Coast: African – South Asian – Australian mythological parallels”. The Deep History of Stories”, Edinburgh, 28-30 August 2007, Edinburgh University & Harvard University.
  12. Earth at the horns of a bull: origins of the image.” Ruler and Saint, Tsar Ivan Shishman. Samokov, Bulgaria, Association of Anthropology, Ethnology and folklore Studies “Ongal”, 4-7 October, 2007.
  13. Amerindian cosmologies and their possible Asian sources”. Cosmology and Society in the Ancient Amerindian World, Santa Fe, N.M., 28-31 October. 2007.
  14. “Athabaskan mythology in American and Eurasian context”. 35th Annual Meeting of Alaska Anthropological Association, Anckorage, 27 Fenbuary – 1 March. 2008, Alaska Anthropological Association.
  15. North American – Central Siberian Links in Mythology // “Problems of the studies of languages distant relations. In memory of Sergei Starostin”, Moscow, 25 – 28 March 2008, Russian State University of Humanities.
  16. “Cosmonimic border in Eastern Baltic: implications for European prehistory”. The Formation of Europe: Prehistoric Population Dynamics and Roots of Socio-Cultural Diversity”, Workshop of FEPRE Consortium, Saint Petersburg, 4-7 April 2008, Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences, International Consortium “The Formation of Prehistoric Europe” (FEPRE).
  17. Pleiades as a sieve, Way of Birds, water-carrier on the Moon: cosmonimic patterns of the Eastern Baltic and their probable age.” International interdisciplinary conference “Estonian Sky: Time and Space”, Tartu Literarary Museum, 22-23 May, 2008.
  18. “The emergence of the first people from the underworld: another cosmogonic myth of a possible African origin”. 2nd Annual Conference of the International Association for Comparative Mythology, Ravensten, Netherlands, 19-21 August, 2008, Harvard University & Nijmegen University.
  19. “The Sky-maiden and world mythology”. On Myth and Science: the Representation of the Witch(doctor) in Literature, Art and Society, Grenoble, France, 21-24 September 2008, Centre de recherche sur l’imaginaire de Grenoble, Université Stendhal, Grenoble; The Myth Study Group (France – South Africa).
  20. Mesoamerican – North American links in mythology.” Cosmology and Society in the Ancient Amerindian World, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, N.M., 24-26 October, 2008.
  21. “Out-of-Africa hypothesis and areal patterns of cosmological motifs”. (Invited speaker). Amerindian Cosmologies: Identity and Power”, University of Copenhagen, 10-11 November 2008, Nordic Network for Amerindian Studies.
  22. Austronesian parallels in “Kojiki” and Indo-Pacific sources of ‘ folk Christianity’”. 3th Conference of International Association for Comparative Mythology. Tokyo, 22-23 May 2009. Harvard University, Kokugakuin University (Tokyo).
  23. Selecting separate episodes of the peopling of the New World: Beringian – Subarctic – Eastern North American folklore links. (Invited speaker)”. Athabascan/Dene Language Conference. Berkeley, California, 10-12 July, 2009. Alaska Native Language Center, University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
  24. “Distribution of Tricksters across the World”. International Academic Interdisciplinary Conference “From Language to Mind 3”: On the Occasion of the 70th Birthday of Academician Arvo Krikmann. 10-11 September, 2009. Tartu, Estonian.Department of Folkloristics at the Estonian Literary Museum, Estonian Academy of Sciences.
  25. “Aleut collections in Kunstkamera Museum”; “Kodyak and Chugach mythology: East Asian and Arctic links”. Annual Joint Conference of Museums Alaska and Alaska Historical Society, Unalaska (Alaska, USA), 16-19 September 2009..
  26. “Early Pacific, early continental Eurasian and later Siberian components in American mythologies”. Peopling of the Americas, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 24-26 September, 2010.
  27. Radcliffe Exploratory Seminar on Comparative Mythology and 4th Conference of International Association for Comparative Mythology, Harvard University, 6-9 October 2010. “Can we know something about European Mesolithic cosmonymy?”.
  28. Monster face in Asian and American art and early non-egalitarian societies“. 5th Conference of International Association for Comparative Mythology, Strasbourg, 10-12 October, 2011, Strasbourg University.
  29. The Tlingit collections in the St. Petersburg Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography“. At the International symposium “One history, two perspectives. Exhibiting the Northwest Coast in the future Humboldt-Forum”. Berlin, June 16-17, 2011. Ethnologisches Museum, Berlin.
  30. Prehistoric cultural diffusion reflected in distribution of some folklore motifs in Africa“. At “Rethinking Africa’s transcontinental continuities in pre- and protohistory”, Leiden, April 12-13, 2012, Leiden University.
  31. Folklore-mythological parallels between Ural-Altaic and North American Traditions“. The 5th Russian Conference of the Turcology, Ufa, 20-23 Junem 2012, Institute of History, Language and Litereture of the Ufa Branch of RAS..
  32. Eurasian heartland of stories“. At 6th Conference of International Association for Comparative Mythology, St. Petersburg, European University at St. Petersburg, 1-3 Sept., 2012.
  33. Unnoticed Eurasian borrowings in Peruvian folklore“. 7th Conference of International Association for Comparative Mythology, Tübingen, 15-17 May, 2013, Eberhard Karls University and Harvard University.
  34. Serpent that closed sources of water and Serpent that devour nestlings of giant bird: assessment of the age of the Eurasian tradition based on comparison with American data”. 8th Conference of International Association for Comparative Mythology, Yerevan, 24-26 June, 2014.
  35. “Task giver in folklore stories: tendencies of world distribution”. 9th Conference of International Association for Comparative Mythology, Torun, Poland, 10-12 June, 2015 International Association for Comparative Mythology; Polish Academy of.
  36. “Big Bull and others: the Caucasus parallels for the Northern European epic tales”. 1st Abram Stolyar Colloquium on Rock Art, 2-4 October, 2015, Palmse, Estonia, The Finnish Society for Prehistoric Art; The Estonian Society for Prehistoric Art.
  37. “Old woman of the winter and other stories: Neolithic survivals?” 10th Conference of International Association for Comparative Mythology, Brno, 26-28 мая 2016. Masaryk University, Brno.
  38. «Samoyed cosmonymy in the Northern Eurasian context». 6th International Conference on the Samoyedic Sturies, 8-10 September 2016, Moscow, Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences.
  39. “’Myths’” and “’Tales’”: Tools for Reconstruction of Deep and of the Not So Deep Prehistory“. Mythology, Discourse, and Authority: Retrospective Methods in Cultural Research, Symposium, University of Tartu, 22–23 November 2016. Организатор: University of Tartu.
  40. «’Mythological’ and ‘fairytale’ motifs in Eurasia: differences in their spread and dating. XII Сongress of anthropologists and ethnologists of Russia. Izhevsk, 3-6 July, 2017. Association of Anthropologists and Ethnologists of Russia.
  41. «Epochal and regional trends in the evolution of the sets of folklore and mythological narratives and images». “Mega-History and Global Evolution”, III International Symposium”, Moscow, 26-28 September 2017. Moscow State University.
  42. “The Southeast Asian Homeland of the Cosmologies”. The International Association for Comparative Mythology, 12th Annual Conference. Sendai University, 01-04 June 2018.
  43. “Processing of mass material: comparative mythology provides a strong evidence in favor of early ‘Melanesian’ component in America”. Workshop “Comparative mythology, population genetics and cognitive patterns: Studies in the new science of cultural diffusion”,  Paris, December 12-13, 2018, Sorbonne.
  44. “Folklore database and prehistory: Areal trends in the distribution of motifs and their interpretation”. International Symposium on Mythology, Ardahan University, 2-4 May 2019.
  45. “The Southeast Asian Homeland of the Cosmologies”. The International Association for Comparative Mythology, 13th Annual Conference. Estonian Literary Museum. Tartu, 10-13 June 2019.