Language | Bonda |
Speaker | Lakhan Mandra |
Place of residence | Kemagu village, Mundlipada, Bondagati |
Recording | I. Samarina, Bhubaneswar, February 2017 |
Translation | Johny Sabar, I. Samarina |
Glosses | E. Renkovskaya |
Genre | Tale |
Lakhan Mandra is a well-educated Bonda who lives out of the Bonda language area for a long time
1. niŋ nim… nimi lokhon manɖra
My name is Lakhan Mandra
niŋ | nim… | n-imi | lokhon | manɖra |
I | GEN-name | Lakhan | Mandra |
2. uŋgoŋ kemagu munɖlipuɽa bonɖagati
Kemagu village, Mundlipara, Bondagati
uŋgoŋ | kemagu | munɖlipaɽa | bonɖagati |
village | Kemagu | Mundlipara | Bondagati |
3. dʒila malkangiri
Malkangiri region
dʒila | malkangiri |
region | Malkangiri |
4. bonɖa usiram bonɖa usiram oɽijare golpo
Bonda story. Bonda story. In Oriya, it is golpo
bonɖa | usiram | bonɖa | usiram | oɽija-re | golpo |
Bonda | story | Bonda | story | Oriya-LOC (O) | story |
5. laʈabok laʈabok kuŋkuŋ kuŋkuŋ jo mujẽ ɖukiga
There was a peacock, a peacock in a forest, in a forest
laʈa-bok | laʈa-bok | kuŋkuŋ | kuŋkuŋ | jo | mujẽ | ɖu-ki-ga |
forest-LOC | forest-LOC | peacock | peacock | (false start) | one | COP-PLUP-PST_II |
6. maj isao kinɖakbok ɖaʔ uita
He always uses to come to the river to take water
maj | isao | kinɖak-bok | ɖaʔ | ui-ta |
he | always | river-LOC | river | go-NPST_II |
7. gitin kinɖakbok muŋur mui ɖukiga
There was a crocodile in that river
gitin | kinɖak-bok | muŋur | mui | ɖu-ki-ga |
that | river-LOC | crocodile | one | COP-PLUP-PST_II |
8. akuŋkuŋ dʒuloʔseʔta kaba ɖeŋ uiga
He was surprised to see the peacock
a-kuŋkuŋ | dʒu-loʔ-seʔta | kaba | ɖeŋ | ui-ga |
OBL-peackock | see-PST_I-CVB | surprised (O) | be | go-PST_II |
9. muŋur sunoʔ akoʔna piriʔ mɛnabai
The crocodile thought: what a large bird!
muŋur | sun-oʔ | akoʔna | piriʔ | mɛna-bai |
crocodile | say-PST_I | so_much | bird | big-ADJ |
10. indoisa dʒuloʔ arǝi
I never saw it before
indoisa | dʒu-loʔ | arǝi |
never | see-PST_I | NEG |
11. akoʔna dʒuloʔnajn ɔikoʔn mɔinabai
If it looks so large
akoʔna | dʒu-loʔ-naj-n | ɔikoʔn | mɔina-bai |
so_much | see-PST_I-1PL-GEN | so_much | big-ADJ |
12. konna seli sumoʔ miri lagta
How its meat will taste?
kon-na | seli | sum-oʔ | miri | lag-ta |
this-GEN | meat | eat-PST_I | as | appear(О)-NPST_II |
13. akuŋkuŋ susog pulai maj bitʃar ɖemoʔ (ɖeŋa)
He thought of catching the peacock
a-kuŋkuŋ | su-sog | pulai | maj | bitʃar | ɖem-oʔ |
OBL-peacock | RED-cock | for | he | thought (O) | do-PST_I |
14. kuŋkuŋ ɖak uʔbok muŋur tipakse toŋgita
The crocodile hid waiting for the peacock come drinking
kuŋkuŋ | ɖak | uʔ-bok | muŋur | tipak-se | toŋ-gita |
peacock | water | drink-LOC | crocodile | hide-CVB | stand-PF_II |
15. kuŋkuŋ ɖak uʔbok muŋur obseʔta toŋga
When the peacock came, the crocodile grabbed him with his teeth
kuŋkuŋ | ɖak | uʔ-bok | muŋur | ob-seʔta | toŋ-ga |
peacock | water | drink-LOC | crocodile | bite-CVB | stand-PST_II |
16. kuŋkuŋ sunoʔ ɖaɖi aniŋ no maʔ soboʔ
The peacock said: “Oh grandpa, why did you grab me?”
kuŋkuŋ | sun-oʔ | ɖaɖi | a-niŋ | no | maʔ | sob-oʔ |
peacock | say-PST_I | grandpa | OBL-I | you | why | catch-PST_I |
17. niŋ manki no ujai…. uklai
Cause I am your grandson
niŋ | manki | no | ujai…. | uklai |
I | because | you | (false start) | grandson |
18. muŋur ladʒ ɖeŋse akuŋkuŋ onturoʔ beɽoʔ
The crocodile felt ashamed and let the peacock go
muŋur | ladʒ | ɖeŋ-se | a-kuŋkuŋ | ontur-oʔ | beɽ-oʔ |
crocodile | shame | do-CVB | OBL-peacock | let_go-PST_I | give-PST_I |
19. muŋur babloʔ niŋ majna ɖaɖi ɖeŋniŋ miri
The crocodile thought: “How can I be his grandpa?”
muŋur | bab-loʔ | niŋ | maj-na | ɖaɖi | ɖeŋ-niŋ | miri |
crocodile | think(O)-PST.I | I | he-GEN | grandpa | be-1SG | as |
20. maj to laʈabok ɖut
He lives in the forest
maj | to | laʈa-bok | ɖu-t |
he | EMPH | forest-LOC | COP-NPST_II |
21. niŋ ɖakbok ɖutiŋ
I live in the water
niŋ | ɖak-bok | ɖu-t-iŋ |
I | water-LOC | COP-NPST_II-1SG |
22. dikoʔn babloʔ maj tʃinta ɖemoʔ
Such thoughts made him wonder
dikoʔn | bab-loʔ | maj | tʃinta | ɖem-oʔ |
so | think(O)-PST.I | he | thought(O) | do-PST_I |
23. amuŋur dʒuloʔseʔta kuik’ sunoʔ
A turtle saw him and said
a-muŋur | dʒu-loʔ-seʔta | kuik’ | sun-oʔ |
OBL-crocodile | see-PST.I-CVB | turtle | say-PST_I |
24. ɖaɖi dikoʔn maj tʃinta deto
Granddad is so thoughtful
ɖaɖi | dikoʔn | maj | tʃinta | de-to |
grandpa | so | he | thought | do-NPST_I |
25. muŋur sunoʔ kuŋkuŋ niŋna suŋoj ɖeŋta miri
The crocodile said: how can the peacock be akin to me?
muŋur | sun-oʔ | kuŋkuŋ | niŋ-na | suŋoj | ɖeŋ-ta | miri |
crocodile | say-PST_I | peacock | I-GEN | alike | be-NSPT_II | how |
26. kuuk sunoʔ ɖaɖi no aba no amaktono i
The turtle said: grandpa, don’t you know?
kuuk | sun-oʔ | ɖaɖi | no | aba | no | a-mak-to-no | i |
turtle | say-PST_I | grandpa | you | … | you | NEG-know-NPST_I-2SG | QUEST |
27. gitne manki najna najna ɖjõremo najna ɖjõremo
Because they are our relatives, our relatives
gitne | manki | naj-na | naj-na | ɖjõ-remo | naj-na | ɖjõ-remo |
that.PL | because | we-GEN | we-GEN | house-man | we-GEN | house-man |
28. naj gulairo untomiŋ untosiŋ beɽoʔ oʔon dʒonom ɖeŋtinaj
We all propagate kind by laying eggs
naj | gulairo | untomiŋ | untosiŋ | beɽ-oʔ | oʔon | dʒonom | ɖeŋ-ti-naj |
we | all | (false start) | egg | give-PST_I | baby | birth | do-NSPT_I-1PL |
29. maj sa untosiŋ beɽoʔ oʔon dʒonom ɖemto
He also propagates kind by laying eggs
maj | sa | untosiŋ | beɽ-oʔ | oʔon | dʒonom | ɖem-to |
he | also | egg | give-PST_I | child | birth | do-NPST_I |
30. gitnigitna maj ɖaɖi ɖukto
That is why he says “grandpa”
gitni-gitna | maj | ɖaɖi | ɖuk-to |
Therefore | he | grandpa | say-NPST_I |
31. ɖokra no kon kata amaktono i
Old man, don’t you know this?
ɖokra | no | kon | kata | a-mak-to-no | i |
old_man | you | this | speech | NEG-know-NPST_I-2SG | QUEST |