Language | Gutob |
Speaker | Sonia Badnaik |
Place of residence | Hanumal village, Lamtaput block, Koraput district |
Recording | A. Krylova, E. Renkovskaya, Hanumal, December 2018, wav |
Translation | Sonia Badnaik, E.Renkovskaya |
Glosses | E. Renkovskaya |
Genre | Legend on a fight between Gutob and Bonda tribes |
1. aktu besi din aktu ɖeŋ ɖugu ɖeʔna nainu uŋgom ɖeʔna
It happened in our village many days ago
aktu | besi | din | aktu | ɖeŋ | ɖu-gu | ɖeʔna | nai-nu | uŋgom | ɖeʔna |
before | many | day | before | become | AUX(be)-MID.PST | QUOT | 1PL-GEN | village | QUOT |
2. gutobnen buɽoŋ bonɖaʔnennu mɯiro biroɖ ɖugu
Gutob people had a conflict with Bonda people
gutob-nen | buɽoŋ | bonɖaʔ-nen-nu | mɯiro | biroɖ | ɖu-gu |
Gutob-PL | with | Bonda-PL-GEN | one | conflict | be-MID.PST |
3. tu bela maŋ ɖeŋgu ɖeʔna
What happened then
tu | bela | maŋ | ɖeŋ-gu | ɖeʔna |
that | time | what | become-MID.PST | QUOT |
4. bonɖaʔnen itʃtʃa majnen itʃtʃare piŋsu majnen
Bonda used to come whenever they wanted, they…
bonɖaʔ-nen | itʃtʃa | majnen | itʃtʃa-re | piŋ-su | majnen |
Bonda-PL | wish | 3PL | wish-LOC (D) | come-CVB | 3PL |
5. gisiŋ gimeʔ lok lai sa
Chickens, goats and even humans
gisiŋ | gimeʔ | lok | lai | sa |
chicken | goat | people | ACC | also |
6. pogpog tiŋtiŋ ɖeŋɖemnen ɖugu
used to be slaughtered and shot by them
pog-pog | tiŋ-tiŋ | ɖeŋ-ɖem-nen | ɖu-gu |
slaughter-RED | shoot-RED | do-RED-3PL | AUX(be)-MID.PST |
7. mator mɯiro din maŋ ɖeŋgu
But what happened one day
mator | mɯiro | din | maŋ | ɖeŋ-gu |
but | one | day | what | become-MID.PST |
8. sobu loknen mɯiro ekoʈa ɖeŋgunen mɯiro misaigunen
All the people united, they met together
sobu | lok-nen | mɯiro | ekoʈa | ɖeŋ-gu-nen | mɯiro | misai-gu-nen |
all (D) | people-PL | one | together (D) | become-MID.PST-3PL | one | meet-MID.PST-3PL |
9. nai uraʔ itoʔ ɖuguna arɖema
We… it wouldn’t do
nai | uraʔ | itoʔ | ɖu-gu-na | ar-ɖem-a |
1PL | NEG | so | be-MID.PST-COND | NEG-become-NPST |
10. nai sa mɯiro ekoʈa ɖeŋguna etoŋnen lai araibar ɖeloŋ
If we come together too, we will win them
nai | sa | mɯiro | ekoʈa | ɖeŋ-gu-na | etoŋ-nen | lai | arai-bar | ɖe-loŋ |
we | also | one | together | become-MID.PST-COND | this-PL | ACC | win(D)-INF(D) | become-MID.NPST |
11. to itoʔ ɖeŋgusu majnen mɯiro din maŋ ɖemoʔnen
So it happened like this, what did they do one day
to | itoʔ | ɖeŋ-gu-su | majnen | mɯiro | din | maŋ | ɖem-oʔ-nen |
so | this_way | become-MID.PST-CVB | 3PL | one | day (D) | what | do-ACT.PST-3PL |
12. sobu lok uŋgomnu lok lejgunen
All the people, the villagee people sat down
sobu | lok | uŋgom-nu | lok | lej-gu-nen |
all | people | village-GEN | people | sit_down-MID.PST-3PL |
13. mɯiro mitiŋg ɖemoʔnen mitiŋg ɖeŋgunu pore maŋ ɖeŋgu
They organized a meeting, what happened after the meeting
mɯiro | mitiŋg | ɖem-oʔ-nen | mitiŋg | ɖeŋ-gu-nu | pore | maŋ | ɖeŋ-gu |
one | meeting | do-ACT.PST-3PL | meeting | become-MID.PST-GEN | after (D) | what | become-MID.PST |
14. sobu lok sarloŋgunen
All the people spoke
sobu | lok | sarloŋ-gu-nen |
all | people | speak-MID.PST-3PL |
15. uraʔ bonɖaʔnen lai nai araibar ɖutu
No, we have to win over Bonda people
uraʔ | bonɖaʔ-nen | lai | nai | arai-bar | ɖutu |
NEG | Bonda-PL | ACC | 1PL | win-INF(D) | AUX(be)-ACT.NPST |
16. majnen onai eran bobtoŋ argoŋanen
They can’t terrify us
majnen | o-nai | eran | b-ob-toŋ | ar-goŋ-a-nen |
3PL | ACC-1PL | how | fear-CAUS-fear | NEG-CAP-MID.NPST-3PL |
17. tɯito ɖeŋgusu mɯiro din maŋ ɖeŋgunen ɖeʔna
What happened one day after this
tɯito | ɖeŋ-gu-su | mɯiro | din | maŋ | ɖeŋ-gu-nen | ɖeʔna |
this_way | become-MID.PST-CVB | one | day (D) | what | happen-MID.PST-3PL | QUOT |
18. sobu lok sarloŋgusu maŋ ɖemoʔnen ɖutu
When all the people spoke out about what they had to do
sobu | lok | sarloŋ-gu-su | maŋ | ɖem-oʔ-nen | ɖutu |
all | people | speak-MID.PST-CVB | what | do-ACT.PST-3PL | AUX(become)-ACT.NPST |
19. bonɖaʔnen lai ɖoŋ gutobnen boʔ mɯiro loɽai ɖeŋgu
Gutob people had a fight with Bonda people
bonɖaʔ-nen | lai | ɖoŋ | gutob-nen | boʔ | mɯiro | loɽai | ɖeŋ-gu |
Bonda-PL | ACC | and | Gutob-PL | LOC | one | fight | become-MID.PST |
20. tu bela maŋ ɖemoʔnen
What did they do then?
tu | bela | maŋ | ɖem-oʔ-nen |
that | time | what | do-ACT.PST-3PL |
21. gutobnen sobu loknen bonɖaʔnen lai buʔoʔsu
Gutob people have beaten all the Bonda people
gutob-nen | sobu | lok-nen | bonɖaʔ-nen | lai | buʔ-oʔ-su |
Gutob-PL | all | people-PL | Bonda-PL | ACC | beat-ACT.PST-CVB |
22. mioʔ bonɖaʔnen lai arai beɖoʔnen
So they won over Bonda
mioʔ | bonɖaʔ-nen | lai | arai | beɖ-oʔ-nen |
then | Bonda-PL | ACC | win | AUX(give)-ACT.PST-3PL |
23. tu dine ɖiʔke bonɖaʔnen bonɖaʔnen kuruŋ ɖugunen
Since that day Bonda people live by their side
tu | dine | ɖiʔke | bonɖaʔ-nen | bonɖaʔ-nen | kuruŋ | ɖu-gu-nen |
that | day | ABL | Bonda-PL | Bonda-PL | side | be-MID.PST-3PL |
24. gutobnen kuruŋ ɖugusu
Gutob people live by their side
gutob-nen | kuruŋ | ɖu-gu-su |
Gutob-PL | side | be-MID.PST-CVB |
25. aʔ dʒaʔko bonɖaʔnen neinu uŋgom beɖoʔ uinenni
Bonda people beware of our village till now
aʔ | dʒaʔko | bonɖaʔ-nen | nei-nu | uŋgom | beɖ-oʔ | ui-nen-ni |
Now | till | Bonda-PL | 1PL-GEN | village | AUX(give)-ACT.PST | go-3PL-DUR |
26. mator aktunu munaŋ kiro maro uraʔ
But now ther are no such fights as before
mator | aktu-nu | munaŋ | kiro | maro | uraʔ |
but | before-GEN | as | fight | ECHO | NEG.COP |
27. ki maŋ gisiŋ gimeʔ lai majnen tiŋoʔ tiŋi riŋriŋnen uraʔ
But they don’t shoot and take our chickens and goats anymore
ki | maŋ | gisiŋ | gimeʔ | lai | majnen | tiŋ-oʔ | tiŋi | riŋ-riŋ-nen | uraʔ |
Q | what | chicken | goat | ACC | 3PL | shoot-ACT.PST | ECHO | bring-RED-3PL | NEG |
28. unɖoi ɖiʔke ɖeʔna enu dʒaɽibol majnen
Since that time when they
unɖoi | ɖiʔke | ɖeʔna | enu | dʒaɽi-bol | majnen |
when | ABL | QUOT | that | when (relat.) | 3PL |
29. gutob ɖoŋ bonɖaʔnennu bitre loɽai ɖemoʔnen
There was a fight between Gutob and Bonda people
gutob | ɖoŋ | bonɖaʔ-nen-nu | bitre | loɽai | ɖem-oʔ-nen |
Gutob | and | Bonda-PL-GEN | between (D) | fight | do-ACT.PST-3PL |
30. tu dine ɖiʔke bonɖaʔnen kuruŋ bonɖaʔnen ɖugu
Since that day Bonda people live by their side
tu | dine | ɖiʔke | bonɖaʔ-nen | kuruŋ | bonɖaʔ-nen | ɖu-gu |
that | day | ABL | Bonda-PL | side | Bonda-PL | be-MID.PST |
31. gutobnen kuruŋ gutobnen ɖugunen
Gutob people live by their side
gutob-nen | kuruŋ | gutob-nen | ɖu-gu-nen |
Gutob-PL | side | Gutob-PL | be-MID.PST-3PL |
32. mator aʔ tɯito kitʃi asuviɖha ɖeŋɖem uraʔ
No trouble anymore
mator | aʔ | tɯito | kitʃi | asuviɖha | ɖeŋ-ɖem | uraʔ |
but | now | so | any | trouble | do-RED | NEG |