Language | Sora (Sarda dialect) |
Source | Pasijanji kataa kam. Biswas, Bagasala |
Glosses | E. Renkovskaya |
Genre | Fable |
A worldwide famous fable on the fox and the crow, published in Sorang Sompeng and Oriya graphics in a collection edited by Mukunda Sabar
1. kakan do kullu
The crow and the fox
kaka-n | ɖo | kullu |
crow-DEF | and | fox |
2. ǝboj kaka ɖakʊlı
There was a crow
ǝboj | kaka | ɖakʊ-lı |
one | crow | be-PST_III.3SG |
3. goroʔ goroʔle boɖinna ǝboj atajta dʒelun ɳaŋetın
One day wandering it found a rump steak
goroʔ | goroʔ-le | boɖinna | ǝboj | a-tajta | dʒelu-n | ɳaŋ-etın |
wander | wander-CVB | one_day | one | DEF-rump | meet-DEF | get-PST_I.3SG |
4. atoʔɖǝn baʔtın pakɯble ǝranib lıŋǝn ɖʊjnetın
It sat on a tree holding it in its beak
a-toʔɖ-ǝn | baʔtı-n | pakɯb-le | ǝra-nib | lıŋ-ǝn | ɖʊj-netın |
3SG-mouth-3SG | INSTR-DEF | squeeze_with_mouth-CVB | tree-tree.SHF | LOC-DEF | sit-PST_II.3SG |
5. atajta dʒelu rǝbti ǝʔmoʔǝb
It couldn’t rejoice enough for the rump steak
a-tajta | dʒelu | rǝbti | ǝʔ-moʔ-ǝb |
DEF-rump | meat | can | NEG-rejoice-(single_action) |
6. kǝni asomaj ǝboj kullu kuttı ǝranibba ataŋor jajetın
Then a fox passed by that tree
kǝni | a-somaj | ǝboj | kullu | kuttı | ǝra-nib-ba | a-taŋor | j-aj-etın |
this.OBL | DEF-time | one | fox | that | tree-tree.SHF-APUD | DEF-road | go-DIR.ALL-PST_I.3SG |
7. dʒelun aɯr ɳuetın
It smelled meat very well
dʒelu-n | aɯr | ɳu-etın |
meat-DEF | very | smell-PST_I.3SG |
8. ǝran lıŋǝn ləkka gijgidʒetın
it looked up to the tree
ǝra-n | lıŋ-ǝn | ləkka | gijgidʒ-etın |
tree-DEF | LOC-DEF | up | look-PST_I.3SG |
9. kakan atoʔlıŋ dʒelu gidʒetın
It saw the meet in crow’s mouth
kaka-n | a-toʔ-lıŋ | dʒelu | gidʒ-etın |
crow-DEF | 3SG-mouth-3SG | meat | see-PST_I.3SG |
10. kullu aolen dʒətəllı
The fox’s mouth watered
kullu | a-ole-n | dʒətəl-lı |
fox | 3SG-spittle-3SG | flow-PST_III.3SG |
11. dʒelun adʒumbin ogənɖıetın
It thought about eating the meat
dʒelu-n | a-dʒum-bin | ogənɖı-etın |
meat-DEF | DEF-eat-INF | think-PST_I.3SG |
12. kullu gametın e kaka mamaŋ amən ɖolo
The fox said: o Uncle Crow, you are handsome
kullu | gam-etın | e | kaka | mamaŋ | amən | ɖolo |
fox | say-PST_I.3SG | VOC | crow | maternal uncle | you | beautiful |
13. ɖoʔŋnǝm ɖolo
Your body is beautiful
ɖoʔŋ-nǝm | ɖolo |
body-2SG | beautiful |
14. kǝniŋnǝm tɯm ɖolo
Your song is also beautiful
kǝniŋ-nǝm | tɯm | ɖolo |
song-2SG | also | beautiful |
15. bagulen gaɖi adʒine
Let us be friends
bagu-len | gaɖi | a-dʒi-ne |
two-1PL | friend | IMP_II.DU-unite-IMP_II.DU |
16. men kǝniŋɳen ǝmɖǝŋa gamle kullu ukeuke logi guetın
Saying “listen to my song” the fox cried “ukeuke”
men | kǝniŋ-ɳen | ǝmɖǝŋ-a | gam-le | kullu | uke-uke | logi | gu-etın |
I | song-1SG | listen-IMP.2SG | say-CVB | fox | ONOM | alike | cry-PST_I.3SG |
Oriya script version:
men kǝniŋɳen anɖaŋa logi kullu hokehokeho logi guetın
Saying “listen to my song” the fox cried “hokehokeho”
men | kǝniŋ-ɳen | anɖaŋ-a | logi | kullu | hoke-hoke-ho | logi | gu-etı(n) |
I | song-1SG | listen-IMP.2SG | alike | fox | ONOM | alike | cry-PST_I.3SG |
17. kaka maɖo sardadalı
The crow became very happy
kaka | maɖo | sarda-da-lı |
crow | very | happiness-VRB-PST_III.3SG |
18. kakan barǝn karkarkar logi guetın
The crow also cried
kaka-n | bar-ǝn | kar-kar-kar | logi | gu-etın |
crow-DEF | also-DEF | ONOM | alike | cry-PST_I.3SG |
19. atoʔɖǝn abnetın
Its mouth opened
a-toʔɖ-ǝn | ab-netın |
3SG-mouth-3SG | open-PST_II.3SG |
20. dʒelu dʒajta galulı
The meat fell down
dʒelu | dʒajta | galu-lı |
meat | down | fall-PST_III.3SG |
21. kullu atajta dʒelun dʒumle dʒiretın
The fox ate the rump steak and left
kullu | a-tajta | dʒelu-n | dʒum-le | dʒiretın |
fox | DEF-rump | meat-DEF | eat-CVB | go.PST.3SG |