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Language | Sora |
Writer | Melsiyar Gomango |
Place of residence | Serango village, Gumma block, Gajapati district |
Glosses | E. Renkovskaya |
Genre | Letter |
Marriage proposal in Baptist Sora community begins with a special formal letter presented by a boy to the girl he wants to marry. In case of consent of the girl and her relatives, she writes an answer in some days. Both letters are read aloud in the church, then preparing for the wedding begins. If she doesn’t answer, the boy may write the second and third letters, declaring himself to have a right to seek for another bride. A sample of this genre was written for us by our language helper from Serango village, Melsiyar Gomango.
1. kristu dʒisun anım lıŋǝn lımtǝm
Hello, in the name of Jesus Christ!
kristu | dʒisu-n | anım | lıŋ-ǝn | lım-tǝm |
Christ | Jesus-DEF | name | LOC-DEF | greet-NPST.1SG/2SG |
2. ɳen melsijer gamaŋ
Я Мельсиер Гаманг
ɳen | melsijer | gamaŋ |
I | Melsiyar | Gamang |
3. ɖo kǝn sǝnna ola lıŋǝn iɖle agǝɖlǝmbırǝn
In this small letter I write a confession
ɖo | kǝn | sǝnna | ola | lıŋ-ǝn | iɖ-le | a-gǝ<ɖ>lǝm-bır-ǝn |
and | this | small | sheet | LOC-DEF | write-CVB | DEF-<CAUS>know-speech-DEF |
4. ɳen ɖoʔoŋnǝm gumman abǝzara lıŋ gijlǝm
I saw you at the Gumma market
ɳen | ɖoʔŋ-nǝm | gumma-n | a-bǝzara | lıŋ | gij-lǝm |
I | ACC.PRON-2SG | Gumma-DEF | DEF-market | LOC | see-PST.1SG/2SG |
5. ɖo ɳen ɖoʔoŋnǝm iɖsɯmlaj
And I fell in love with you
ɖo | ɳen | ɖoʔŋ-nǝm | iɖsɯm-laj |
and | I | ACC.PRON-2SG | want-PST_I.1SG |
6. kǝnti asǝn ɳen siʔiŋmǝrnǝmdʒi ampǝra amajnabin
Therefore I will visit your relatives
kǝnti | asǝn | ɳen | siʔiŋ-mǝr-nǝm-dʒi | ampǝra | a-maj-na-bin |
that | for | I | home-man.SHF-2SG-PL | COMIT | DEF-meet-NMNL-INF |
7. ɖo amǝn aɖoʔoŋ agarbin ijtaj
and will ask you in marriage
ɖo | amǝn | a-ɖoʔŋ | a-gar-bin | ij-taj |
and | you | DEF-AСС | DEF-ask-INF | come-NPST.DIR.ALL.1SG |
8. kǝn sittin ɳaŋǝn ɳaŋle amǝn aabjarbintın gamle ɖırɖırnaɳen
I hope that after receiving this letter, you will answer me
kǝn | sitti-n | ɳaŋ-ǝn | ɳaŋ-le | amǝn | a-ab-jar-bin-tın | gamle | ɖır-ɖır-na-ɳen |
This | letter-DEF | get-CVB1 | get-CVB | you | DEF-CAUS-come_back-INF-DELAY | SUB | hope-RED-NMNL-1SG |
9. sıntǝm
Thank you
sın-tǝm |
thank-NPST.1SG/2SG |
10. gǝnugudǝm buɳaŋnǝm
Your appealing brother
g<ǝn>u-gu-dǝm | buɳaŋ-nǝm |
<NMNL>appeal-RED-ADJ | brother-2SG |