Language | Bonda |
Source | Nena pāṭh nena sām. Sahityo 3-yo srenī. Bonda (Malkangiri). Oḍisa prathamik sisya karyakromo prardhokoroṇo, Bhubonesworo |
Glosses | E. Renkovskaya |
Genre | Tale |
1. gusoʔ mari gibiʔ
The dog and the pig
gusoʔ | mari | gibiʔ |
dog | and | pig |
2. togabeda doʔsek muĩ uŋgom ɖikiga
There was Tagabeda village
togabeda | doʔ-sek | muĩ | uŋgom | ɖi-ki-ga |
Tagabeda | say-CVB | one | village | COP-PLUP-PST_II |
3. gutun uŋgom bok sonja doʔsek muĩ ɖikiga
There lived somebody named Sonia in that village
gutun | uŋgom | bok | sonja | doʔ-sek | muĩ | ɖi-ki-ga |
that | village | LOC | Sonia | say-CVB | one | COP-PLUP-PST_II |
4. sonja gusoʔ mari gubuʔ boroloʔ ɖiga
Sonia had a dog and a pig
sonja | gusoʔ | mari | gubuʔ | boro-loʔ | ɖi-ga |
Sonia | dog | and | pig | live-PST_I | COP-PST_II |
5. sonja agusoʔ mari agubuʔ liiŋ bok paiʈi ɖeŋdem pulai bentajoʔ
Sonia sent the dog and the pig to work to paddy field
sonja | a-gusoʔ | mari | a-gubuʔ | liiŋ | bok | paiʈi | ɖeŋ-dem | pulai | bentaj-oʔ |
Sonia | OBL-dog | и | OBL-pig | paddy_field | LOC | work | do-RED | for | send-PST_I |
6. gusoʔ mari gubuʔ liiŋ bok uiga
Dog and pig came to the paddy field
gusoʔ | mari | gubuʔ | liiŋ | bok | ui-ga |
dog | and | pig | paddy_field | LOC | go-PST_II |
7. liiŋ bok uisek gubuʔ liiŋ surlopna ɖemoʔ
The pig was ploughing the paddy field
liiŋ | bok | ui-sek | gubuʔ | liiŋ | surlop-na | ɖem-oʔ |
paddy_field | LOC | go-CVB | pig | paddy_field | plough-NMNL | do-PST_I |
8. gusoʔ kunugbog leʔisek dʒudʒu ɖeŋga
The dog was looking while sitting on the side of the edge
gusoʔ | kunugbog | leʔi-sek | dʒu-dʒu | ɖeŋ-ga |
dog | field’s edge | sit-CVB | look-RED | be-PST_II |
9. gubuʔ liiŋ gar turga mari kumaɖaʔ uiga
The pig went out of the paddy field to wash
gubuʔ | liiŋ | gar | tur-ga | mari | kuma-ɖaʔ | ui-ga |
pig | paddy_field | ABL | go-PST_II | и | wash-water | go-PST_II |
10. gusoʔ liiŋ bok gaiseʔta lodiga
The dog came to the paddy field and wallowed in dirt
gusoʔ | liiŋ | bok | gai-seʔta | lodi-ga |
dog | paddy_field | LOC | come-CVB | dirt-PST_II |
11. gubuʔ sonjan bok ɖeɖenbela gusoʔ uiga
While the pig was on his way to Sonya, the dog came
gubuʔ | sonja-n | bok | ɖe-ɖen-bela | gusoʔ | ui-ga |
pig | Sonia-GEN | LOC | RED-do-time | dog | go-PST_II |
12. gusoʔ asonjala sunoʔ sakar niŋ repte paiʈi ɖemniŋ
The dog said to Sonia, master, I worked a lot
gusoʔ | a-sonja-la | sun-oʔ | sakar | niŋ | repte | paiʈi | ɖem-niŋ |
dog | OBL-Сонья-DEF | say-PST_I | master | 1SG | many | work | do-1SG |
13. gubuʔ kunugbog bok leʔisek dʒudʒu ɖeŋga
Ant the pig was looking while sitting on the edge of the field
gubuʔ | kunugbog | bok | leʔi-sek | dʒu-dʒu | ɖeŋ-ga |
pig | edge_of_field | LOC | sit-CVB | look-RED | be-PST_II |
14. dʒuloʔ ku maj bani ɖeŋsek sasap ɖeŋta
Look, he will come good-looking
dʒu-loʔ | ku | maj | bani | ɖeŋ-sek | sa-sap | ɖeŋ-ta |
look.IMP-EMPH | CONJ (?) | he | good | be-CVB | RED-come | be-NPST_II |
15. sonjala gisega
Sonia got angry
sonja-la | gise-ga |
Sonia-DEF | be_angry-PST_II |
16. gubuʔ sakar bok saga
The pig came to the master
gubuʔ | sakar | bok | sa-ga |
pig | master | LOC | come-PST_II |
17. sonja agubuʔ dʒuloʔsek repte gisega
Sonia got very angry while seeing the pig
sonja | a-gubuʔ | dʒu-loʔ-sek | repte | gise-ga |
Sonia | OBL-pig | see-PST_I-CVB | many | be_angry-PST_II |
18. sakar agubuʔ sunoʔ
Хозяин сказал свинье
sakar | a-gubuʔ | sun-oʔ |
master | OBL-pig | say-PST_I |
19. no oj baŋsa anab mari siniɖaʔ sumoʔsek ɖetono
Since today you will eat rice hull and rice water
no | oj | baŋsa | anab | mari | siniɖaʔ | sum-oʔ-sek | ɖe-to-no |
2SG | today | since | rice_hull | and | rice_water | eat-PST_I-CVB | be-NPST_I-2SG |
20. gusoʔ kiaŋ seli sumoʔsek ɖeto
The dog will eat boiled rice and meat
gusoʔ | kiaŋ | seli | sum-oʔ-sek | ɖe-to |
dog | boiled_rice | meat | eat-PST_I-CVB | be-NPST_I |
21. olopo sugo ɖikiga sa
Some time has gone
olopo | sugo | ɖi-ki-ga | sa |
some (О) | as | COP-PLUP-PST_II | also |
22. gusoʔ mari sakar koʈ bok leiguta
The master and the dog were sitting on the bed
gusoʔ | mari | sakar | koʈ | bok | lei-guta |
dog | and | master | bed (E) | LOC | sit-PF_II |
23. gojtaŋ saga
Пришла корова
gojtaŋ | sa-ga |
cow | come-PST_II |
24. gojtaŋ asakar sunoʔ
The cow said to the master
gojtaŋ | a-sakar | sun-oʔ |
корова | OBL-хозяин | сказать-PST_I |
25. sakar gusoʔ liiŋ bok paiʈi moɖeɖem lei ɖiga
Master, the dog was sitting in the paddy field at a loose end
sakar | gusoʔ | liiŋ | bok | paiʈi | mo-ɖe-ɖem | lei | ɖi-ga |
master | dog | paddy_field | LOC | work | NEG-RED-do | sit | COP-PST_II |
26. gubuʔ paiʈi ɖeɖem ɖeŋga
The pig worked
gubuʔ | paiʈi | ɖe-ɖem | ɖeŋ-ga |
pig | work | RED-do | be-PST_II |
27. sakar gojtaŋna tumoʔ soboʔ
The master caught on to cow’s words
sakar | gojtaŋ-na | tumoʔ | sob-oʔ |
master | cow-GEN | mouth | catch-PST_I |
28. buɖuŋ dʒuksek agusoʔ muĩ buɖuŋ bugoʔ sa
He raised a stick and hit the dog
buɖuŋ | dʒuk-sek | a-gusoʔ | muĩ | buɖuŋ | bug-oʔ | sa |
stick | raise-CVB | OBL-dog | one | stick | hit-PST_I | also |
29. gusoʔ uroʔ ɖuŋga
The dog ran away
gusoʔ | ur-oʔ | ɖuŋ-ga |
dog | run_away-PST_I | COP-PST_II |