Language | Sora |
Sourse | 1. Ənablʊ Gamaŋ Jisu Kristun a Tambe Ənosaijən. The New Testament in Sora. The Bible Society of India and Ceylon, Bangalore, 1965. 2. Roitad Baibol (Reprens). The Holy Bible. Sora (Reference). The Bible Society of India, Bangalore, 2012. |
Glosses | E. Renkovskaya |
Genre | Christian prayer |
The most part of Sora people today are Christians. At first, IPA-based graphics was used for writing christian texts, but later the orthography was simplified and the younger generation of Sora people uses Roman symbols only. The New Testament in Sora was published in old orthography, but the Bible exist in the new ortography only. Here we present one of the most important christian texts. It is “Lord’s Prayer”, or “Pater Noster” (Matthew 6: 9-13) in both old and new orthographies.
1. antın asǝn ednegoj garbırba
Pray then in this way
antın | asǝn | edne-goj | garbır-ba |
that | for | this_way | pray-IMP_I.2PL |
2. e ruaŋ lıŋǝn aɖakʊtınǝn ʊalen
Our Father in heaven
e | ruaŋ | lıŋ-ǝn | a-ɖǝkʊ-tın-ǝn | ʊa-len |
VOC | heaven | LOC-DEF | DEF-abide-NPST.3SG-DEF | father-1PL |
3. anımnǝm mǝriɖɖǝm ɖeetı
hallowed be your name
anım-nǝm | mǝriɖ-ɖǝm | ɖe-etı |
name-2SG | sacred-ADJ | be-IMP_III.3SG |
4. radʒamnǝm jırajetı
Your kingdom come
radʒam-nǝm | jıraj-etı |
kingdom-2PL | come-IMP_I.3SG |
5. eŋale ruaŋ lıŋǝn ettǝle oɽar lıŋǝn iɖsɯmnǝm odʒorajetı
Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven
eŋale | ruaŋ | lıŋ-ǝn | ettǝle | oɽar | lıŋ-ǝn | iɖsɯm-nǝm | odʒoraj-etı |
как | рай | LOC-DEF | так | мир | LOC-DEF | воля-2SG | исполняться-IMP_III.3SG |
6. nǝmi sǝnajsajlen agǝnagan tyjlen
Give us today our needful food
nǝmi | sǝnajsaj-len | a-gǝnaga-n | tyj-len |
today | need-1PL | DEF-food-DEF | give-IMP.2SG/1PL.EXCL |
7. eŋale aǝbersıtalındʒi amǝnɖrandʒi anlen atǝbmaɖtaj
As we have forgiven our debtors
eŋale | a-ǝb-ersıta-lındʒi | a-mǝnɖra-n-dʒi | anlen | a-tǝbmaɖ-taj |
as | PTCP-CAUS-be_sin-PST_II.3PL | DEF-man-DEF-PL | we | 1PL.EXCL-forgive-NPST_I.1PL.EXCL |
8. ettele ersılen tǝbmaɖlen
so forgive us our debts
ettele | ersı-len | tǝbmaɖ-len |
so | sin-1PL | forgive-IMP.2SG/1PL.EXCL |
9. tǝnuŋdʒıŋban aǝbandʒıŋɖoŋlen bıɳɖo elɖagıban sǝrıŋ rǝblen
And do not bring us to the temptation, but rescue us from the evil one
t<ǝn>uŋ-dʒıŋ-ba-n | a-ǝb-andʒıŋ-ɖoŋlen | bıɳɖo | elɖa-gı-ba-n | sǝrıŋ | rǝb-len |
<NMNL>crush-leg-LOC-DEF | 1PL.EXCL-CAUS-walk-IMP.2SG/1PL.EXCL | but | awful-alike-LOC-DEF | ABL | save-IMP.2SG/1PL.EXCL |
10. ıtın asǝn gamlenɖen radʒamǝn rǝnǝbtin gǝnʊgʊ pǝnǝmeŋǝn
For the kingdom and the power and the great glory
ıtın | asǝn | gam-lenɖen | radʒam-ǝn | rǝnǝbti-n | gǝnʊgʊ | pǝnǝmeŋ-ǝn |
that | for | say-COND_I.3SG | kingdom-DEF | power-DEF | great | glory-DEF |
11. taɽa ǝjǝm Amǝnatı Amen
are yours now and forever. Amen
taɽa | ǝjǝm | Amǝn-atı | Amen |
now | time | you-especially | Amen |