
Anastasia S. Krylova

Department of Asian and African Languages​, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Researcher since 2018.

Institute of linguistics, Russian State University for the Humanities, teacher since 2019 (Sanskrit)

Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, Higher School of Economics, teacher since 2021 (Hindi dialectology)

Research  interests

Field linguistics, Indian languages, Indo-Aryan languages, Pahari languages, Munda languages, Turkic languages, Hindi, Kullui, Tamil, Bengali, Oriya, Sanskrit, Hindi dialects, medieval Indian dialects, historical linguistics, morphology, areal linguistics, language planning, Sanskrit literature, ancient Indian poetics, Indian linguistic tradition, Indian literature, Indian cinema, Scheduled castes and tribes of India.


2014-2016 – Russian State University for the Humanities, Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies. Master’s program “Indo-European Studies”.2002-2004 – Russian State University for the Humanities, Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics.

2008-2010 – Russian State University for the Humanities, Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies. Postgraduate studies in “Languages of the peoples of foreign countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, the natives of America and Australia.”

2008 – The Leiden Summer School in Languages ​​and Linguistics. Programs in Indology and Iranian Studies.

2004-2008 – Russian State University for the Humanities, Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies, major in “Philology of India”, certified professional.

2002-2004 – Russian State University for the Humanities, Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics.

Qualification work:

Thesis  “Sutry ob ukrasheniyah poezii Vamany” [Vāmana’s “Kāvyālaṅkārasūtra”], 2008.  Supervised by M. A. Rusanov.

Currently I work on a PhD on the historical phonetics of Kullui.


T.B. Agranat, E.U. Akbash, M.E. Alekseev, V.N. Aliev, M.K. Ameline, NB Aralova, A.A. Barbolin, A.N. Bitkeeva, S.I. Burkova, N.B. Vakhtin, A.P. Volodin, E.V. Golovko, M.A. Goryacheva, V.Yu. Gusev, V.R. Dedyk, N.R. Dobrushina, Yu.V. Dorofeev, G.A. Dyrkheeva, A.V. Esipova, A.N. Zhukova, M.I. Isaev, O.A. Kazakevich, E.Yu. Kalinina, T.T. Kambolov, R.Sh. Karimova, S.V. Kovaleva, V.A. Kozhemyakina, N.G. Kolesnik, E.A. Kondrashkina, N.B. Koshkareva, A.S. Krylova, T.B. Kryuchkova, R.P. Kuzmina, V.M. Lemskaya, A.A. Maltseva, V.Yu. Mikhalchenko, S. Ode, L.V. Ozolinya, M.V. Oreshkina, S.A. Oskolskaya, B. Pakendorf, E.V. Perekhvalskaya, P.E. Prokopyeva, M.Yu. Pupynina, S.B. Sarbasheva, I.M. Sigauri, A.P. Solomennikova, N.R. Sumbatova, A.A. Syurun, A.R. Tazranova, Yu.V. Trushkova, N.S. Urtegeshev, E.V. Fomin, D. Forker, M.Sh. Khalilov, Z.M. Halilova, O.V. Khanina, O.Yu. Shagdurova, A.B. Shluinsky, E.V. Yamkina. Language and society. Encyclopedia. M .: Azbukovnik, 2016.


  • Krylova A.S., Vanina E. Yu. «Verh — niz»: indijskie slugi i hozyaeva na kinoekrane. CHast’ I // Vostochnyj kur’er, vyp. № 2, 2023. pp. 144-159 DOI10.18254/S268684310026694-1. [“Top – Bottom”: Indian servants and masters on the silver screen. Part I // Eastern Courier, vol. No. 2, 2023]. 
  • Krylova A., Renkovskaya E. Corpus of the Koraput Munda Languages: Goals and Special Aspects // Challenges of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Approach and New Horizons in Oriental Studies: Proceedings of the 8th and 9th International Conferences. Series Prace Orientalistyczne, vol. 44. 2022. P. 166-175. ISSN 0079-4783.
  • Kogan A.I., Krylova A.S., Renkovskaya E.A. Pervyj s”ezd Rossijskoj Associacii issledovatelej Gimalaev i Tibeta // Vestnik Instituta vostokovedeniya RAN. 2022. №1. Pp. 252–258. DOI: 10.31696/2618-7302-2022-1-252-258. [The first congress of the Russian Association of Researchers of the Himalayas and Tibet // Bulletin of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences]
  • Krylova A.S. O vozmozhnom sohranenii reliktov vedijskogo glagol’nogo udarenija v govore derevni Naggar jazyka kullui [On the possible preservation of Vedic verbal stress in the Naggar subdialect of the Kullui language] // Journal of Language Relationship, No. 19/3-4, 2021 – p.195-209.

  • Renkovskaya E.A., Krylova A.S. Sistema obrazovanija kak prepjatstvie dlja jazykovoj peredachi: minoritarnye jazyki Indii [The Education System as an Obstacle to Language Transmission: Minor Languages of India] // Tomsk Journal of LING and ANTR. Tomsk Journal LING & ANTHRO. 2021. 3 (33) ss. 70-80.

  • Krylova A. History, Structure and Origins of the Autochthonous Scripts for Munda languages // Anthropos, 2021, vol. 116, pp. 331-343

  • Krylova A., Renkovskaya E. Religion and language preservation: case of Sora // Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics vol. 7, no. 1, 2020, pp. 85-104

  • Krylova A., Renkovskaya E. शिक्षा में मातृभाषा: हिमालय की भाषा विविधता के संरक्षण का एक उपाय [Mother tongue in education: a step towards preservation of language diversity of the Himalayas] // Language Endangerment and Language Revitalization in Himalaya (Proceedings of the International Seminar on Endangered Languages of Himalaya, Almora 2018) / Joshi B.K., Pokharel Madhav P., Joshi Maheshwar P. (ed). Dehradun: Doon Library and Research Centre, 2020. Pp. 157-161

  • Krylova A., Mazurova J., Renkovskaya E. Documentation of Himachali Pahari languages as a step towards language maintenance // Language Endangerment and Language Revitalization in Himalaya (Proceedings of the International Seminar on Endangered Languages of Himalaya, Almora 2018) / Joshi B.K., Pokharel Madhav P., Joshi Maheshwar P. (ed). Dehradun: Doon Library and Research Centre, 2020. Pp. 149-156.

  • Krylova A.S., Renkovskaya E.A. Kontaktnye javlenija v jazyke kullui // Trudy Instituta vostokovedenija RAN. Vyp. 29: Problemy obshhej i vostokovednoj lingvistiki. Jazyk menjajushhijsja: semanticheskie i grammaticheskie izmenenija v jazykah Azii i Afriki [Contact phenomena in the Kullui language // Proceedings of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Issue. 29: Problems of general and oriental linguistics. Language changing: semantic and grammatical changes in the languages of Asia and Africa] M.: IV RAN, 2020. P.90-102. DOI 31696/2587-9502-2020-29-90-102.

  • Krylova A.S., Renkovskaya E.A. Nekotorye aspekty sociolingvisticheskoj situacii plemeni gutob // Trudy Instituta vostokovedenija RAN. Vyp. 27: Problemy obshhej i vostokovednoj lingvistiki. Jazyki Jugo-Zapadnoj Azii i Severnoj Afriki [Some aspects of the sociolinguistic situation of the Gutob tribe // Proceedings of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Issue. 27: Problems of General and Oriental Linguistics. Languages of Southwest Asia and North Africa]. M.: IV RAN, 2020. – P.62-67. DOI: 10.31696/2587-9502-2020-27-062-067

  • Dybo V.A. Iz semejnyh vospominanij o 1930-h gg. i o vojne/ Publ. i primech. A.S. Krylovoj // Zhivaja starina  [From family memories of the 1930s and the war time / Publ. and note. A.S. Krylova // Living antiquity]. 2020. No 1. P. 39–42.

  • Krylova A.S., Renkovskaya E.A. Korpus jazykov gruppy koraputskih munda: zadachi i specifika// Vestnik Instituta vostokovedenija RAN. [Corpus of languages of the Koraput Munda group: tasks and specifics // Bulletin of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences]. 2020. №4. pp. 295-301. DOI: 10.31696/2618-7302-2020-4-295-301

  • Krylova A. Some areal features of the 110-item wordlist for the Indo-Aryan languages of South Odisha // Journal of language Relationship, No. 17/3-4, 2019 – P. 285-296.

  • Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie razrabotki v oblasti leksicheskoj semantiki vostochnyh yazykov. Orientalistika. 2019, №2(1). [Theoretical and Practical Issues in Lexical Semantics of Oriental languages. Orientalistica. 2019, No. 2 (1). p. 204–217. DOI: 10.31696 / 2618-7043-2019-2-1-204-217]

  • Slovar’ yazyka kullui: problemy polevoj leksikografii // Trudy instituta vostokovedeniya RAN. Vyp.19: Problemy obshchej i vostokovednoj lingvistiki: Leksikologiya i leksikografiya. [The Kullui dictionary: problems of field lexicography // Proceedings of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Issue 19: Problems of General and Oriental Linguistics: Lexicology and Lexicography / Editor-in-chief  M. Shalyapina; compiled and edited by A.S. Panina. – M .: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2018 .- p. 148-155. ]
  • Anastasia Krylova, Evgeniya Renkovskaya. Documentation of the Kullui language: problems, results, prospects // Vaak manthan, volume 3, issue 1: http://selindia.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/vol-3-issue-1-the- verb.pdf
  • Renkovskaya E.A., A.S. Krylova, Yu.E. Novye dannye po fol’kloru i mifologii Indii (materialy kullui i sora) // Sbornik nauchnyh statej v chest’ yubileya YA.V. Vasil’kova. [New data on folklore and mythology of India (the case of Kullui and Sora) // Festschrift in honor of Y.V. Vasilkov. Edited by M.F. Albedil and N.A. Yanchevskaya. St. Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2018. p. 39-50.]
  • Istoriya, struktura i proiskhozhdenie avtohtonnyh pis’mennostej yazykov munda // Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriya i sovremennost’. [History, structure and origin of the autochthonous scripts of Munda ​​// Vostok. Oriens. African-Asian Societies: History and Present, 2018, No. 3 p. 119-132]
  • Leksikostatistika indoarijskih yazykov: vzglyad polevogo lingvista // Vestnik RGGU. Seriya: Filologiya. Voprosy yazykovogo rodstva. [Lexicostatistics of Indo-Aryan languages from a field linguist’s perspective // RSUH Bulletin. Series: Philology. Journal of Language Relationship. – 2017. – No. 15 / 3-4]
  • Kolichestvennye chislitel’nye yazyka kullui // Problemy yazyka: Sbornik nauchnyh statej po materialam Pyatoj konferencii-shkoly «Problemy yazyka: vzglyad molodyh uchenyh». [Quantitative numerals in Kullui // Problems of the Language. Proceedings of the 5th Conference of young scientists “Problems of language: a view from the young scholars’ perspective”. M.: Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chancellor, 2017. p. 217-225]
  • Dybo V. A. Mezhdu revolyuciej i vojnoj: iz semejnyh vospominanij / Publikaciya A. S. Krylovoj // Zhivaya starina. 2017. [Between revolution and war: from the family memoirs / Publication by A. S. Krylova // The Living Antiquity. 2017. No. 4. P. 46–48]
  • (sovmestno s Yu.V. Mazurovoj, A. Renkovskoj  i E.M. Shuvannikovoj) Lingvisticheskie ekspedicii v indijskie Gimalai // Sbornik po materialam Gimalajskoj konferencii Sankt-Peterburgskogo soyuza uchyonyh. SPb: Evropejskij dom, 2017. [(together with Yu.V. Mazurova, E.A. Renkovskaya and E.M. Shuvannikova) Linguistic expeditions to the Indian Himalayas // Proceedings of the Himalayan Conference of the St. Petersburg Union of Scientists. St. Petersburg: European House, 2017, p.116-120.]
  • Klassifikaciya yazykov munda po dannym leksikostatistiki // Trudy Instituta vostokovedeniya RAN. Vyp. 6: Problemy obshchej i vostokovednoj lingvistiki: Yazyki Yuzhnoj i Yugo-Vostochnoj Azii (Materialy nauchnoj konferencii). [ Classification of Munda languages ​​according to the lexicostatistics //Proceedings of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Vol. 6: Problems of general and oriental linguistics: Languages ​​of South and Southeast Asia (Сonference proceedings), October 26, 2016) M.: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2017.]
  • (with the participation of I.V. Samarina) Letters from Odisha // Life as an expedition. A collection of articles dedicated to the 50th anniversary of A.E. Kibrik and S.V. Kodzasov School of field linguistics, vol. 2, Moscow, 2017. S. 894-929.
  • (sovmestno s V. Mal’cevoj i A. Shejmovich) Ekspediciya kak zhizn’, ili Hroniki Matura // Zhizn’ kak ekspediciya. Sbornik statej k 50-letiyu shkoly polevoj lingvistiki A. E. Kibrika i S. V. Kodzasova, t. 2, Moskva, 2017. s. 930-943. [(together with V. Maltseva and A. Sheimovich) Expedition as life, or Matura Chronicles // Life as an expedition. Collection of articles dedicated to the 50th anniversary of A.E. Kibrik and S.V. Kodzasov School of field linguistics, vol. 2, Moscow, 2017. p. 930- 943.]
  • [Review] “The Problems of Comparative-Historic Study of Kashmiri Language” // Journal of Language Relationship, No. 14 / 1-2, 2016 – p.153-155.
  • Avtohtonnye pis’mennosti yazykov munda // Materialy 12-oj konferencii po yazykam Dal’nego Vostoka, Yugo-Vostochnoj Azii i Zapadnoj Afriki (LESEWA-XII). [Autochthonous scripts of Munda ​// Proceedings of the 12th Conference on the Languages ​​of the Еast Asia, Southeast Asia and West Africa (LESEWA-XII). Moscow, 2016. 137-149.]
  • Vidovremennaya sistema kullui (zapadnyj pahari) // Problemy yazyka: Sbornik nauchnyh statej po materialam chetvertoj konferencii-shkoly «Problemy yazyka: vzglyad molodyh uchenyh». [The Tense and Aspect system of Kullui (Western Pahari)// Problems of Language. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of young scientists “Problems of language: a view from the young scholars. Moscow, 2016.p 165-177.]
  • Traktat Vamany «Sutry ob ukrasheniyah poezii»: trudnosti atribucii i perevoda // Rossiya i Vostok: vzaimodejstvie stran i narodov. Trudy X vserossijskogo s”ezda vostokovedov. [ Vamana’s treatise “Kāvyālaṅkārasūtra”: difficulties of attribution and translation // Russia and the East: the interaction of countries and peoples. Proceedings of the X All-Russian Congress of Orientalists, Book 2, Ufa, 2015. p. 277-280.
  • (sovmestno s E.M. Knyazevoj) Nekotorye problemy podgotovki tezaurusa dlya dokumentirovaniya yazyka kullui (zapadnyj pahari) // Problemy yazyka: Sbornik nauchnyh statej po materialam tret’ej konferencii-shkoly «Problemy yazyka: vzglyad molodyh uchenyh». [(together with E.M. Knyazeva) Some problems of preparing a thesaurus for documenting Kullui (Western Pahari) // Problems of Language: Proceedings of the third conference-school “Problems of Language: the View of Young Scholars”, Moscow, 2014. p. 125-138.]
  • [Review] The Journal of Indo-European Studies. Vol. 37, 2009 // The Journal of Language Relationship, No. 5, Moscow, 2011. p.151-155
  • Yazykovaya situaciya v ketskih posyolkah // Polevye issledovaniya studentov RGGU, vyp. 1, [The language situation in Ket villages // Field research of the RSUH students, vol. 1, Moscow, 2006. 163-172.


  • Krylova A.S., Renkovskaya E.A. Pyat’ vidov pis’mennosti yazyka sora: prichiny poyavleniya i processy stanovleniya // Mezhdunarodnaya konferenciya Lingvisticheskij forum 2019:  Korennye yazyki Rossii i mira. [Krylova A.S., Renkovskaya E.A. Five types of Sora scripts: causes, genesis and formation // Linguistic Forum 2019: Indigenous Languages ​​of Russia and the World, April 4–6, 2019 Moscow, Institute of Linguistics, RAS. Abstracts. Moscow, 2019.140-141] https://iling-ran.ru/web/sites/default/files/conferences/2019/2019_indigenous_abstracts.pdf
  • Ob etimologii cvetooboznacheniya lāl ’krasnyj‘ v indoarijskih yazykah // XIV tradicionnye chteniya pamyati S. A. Starostina. [On the etymology of the color term lāl ‘red’ in Indo-Aryan languages ​​// XIV traditional Starostin Readings. The Centre for Comparative Studies and Phylogenetics of the Institute of the Oriental and Classical Studies of the HSE, March 25-26, 2019.] Conference abstracts http://starling.rinet.ru/confer/abstracts2019.htm
  • Anastasia Krylova, Evgeniya Renkovskaya. Areal features of the basic vocabularies of the languages ​​of the South Odisha // South Asian Languages ​​Analysis SALA- 35 October 29-31, 2019. Institut national des langues et civilizations orientales 65, rue des Grands Moulins, Paris 13. 219-220 https://sala-35.sciencesconf.org/data/pages/z_merged_new2.pdf
  • Julia Mazurova, Evgeniya Renkovskaya, Anastasia Krylova. Corpus ‐ based study of variation and language change in Kullui // South Asian Languages ​​Analysis SALA- 35 October 29-31, 2019. Institut national des langues et civilizations orientales 65, rue des Grands Moulins, Paris 13. 220-221 https://sala-35.sciencesconf.org/data/pages/z_merged_new2.pdf
  • Slovar’ yazyka kullui: problemy polevoj leksikografii // Tezisy dokladov mezhinstitutskoj konferencii «Vostokovednye chteniya Leksikologiya i leksikografiya. [The Kullui language dictionary: problems of field lexicography // Abstracts of the Conference “Oriental Readings 2018. Lexicology and Lexicography. To the 200th anniversary of the Institute of Oriental studies of the RAS. April 4-6, 2018.”] M.: Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. p. 34-35.
  • Klassifikaciya yazykov munda po dannym leksikostatistiki // Vostokovednye chteniya. [Classification of Munda languages ​​according to lexicostatistics // Oriental Readings 2016. Languages ​​of South and Southeast Asia (abstracts). Moscow, 2016. 19-21.]
  • (sovmestno s E.A. Renkovskoj) Prohibitivnye konstrukcii v yazyke kullui // Dvenadcataya konferenciya po tipologii i grammatike dlya molodyh issledovatelej. [(together with E.A. Renkovskaya). Prohibitive constructions in Kullui // Twelfth Conference on Typology and Grammar for Young Scholars (abstracts), St. Petersburg, 2015. p. 81-83.]


  • Stone-grass or fruit from the city of Sintra: the history of one Indian phytonym // XXXIV Zograf readings “Problems of interpretation of traditional Indian text”, May 18-21, 2021
  • (together with E.A. Renkovskaya) The education system as an obstacle to language transmission: minority languages of India // Colloquium “The fate of the linguistic heritage: transferred to younger generations or lost?”, Institute of Languages of the Russian Academy of Sciences May 26, 2021
  • (together with E.A. Renkovskaya) Specificity of texts in the corpus of languages of the Koraput Munda group // Eighth conference-school “Problems of language: the view of young scientists” March 25-27, 2021
  • (together with E.A. Renkovskaya) Field research of minority languages of India: directions and tasks // All-Russian scientific conference “Oriental field research”, Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, April 19-20, 2021
  • Krylova A.S., Renkovskaya E.A. “The Sora people (India): from animism to religious diversity” // Seminar of the UN TsTF RSUH “Folklore and post-folklore: structure, typology, semiotics”. April 20, 2020, (Zoom).
  • Krylova A.S., Renkovskaya E.A. Online corpus of texts in the southern Munda languages: tasks and specifics // May 12 – 15, 2020 XLI Zograph readings “Problems of interpretation of traditional Indian text”, IOM RAS (Zoom) http://www.orientalstudies.ru/rus/index .php?option=com_content&task=blogsection&id=0&Itemid=65&inst=46
  • E. Renkovskaya, A. Krylova. Translation of texts for India’s minority languages corpora: specifics and problems // International Online Conference “Issues and Challenges in Translation and Translation Studies in Russian and South Asian languages” September 30, 2020 (RGGU, ISAA MSU, Krishna Kant Open State University Khandiki (India), Center for Russian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (Delhi), Russian Center for Science and Culture (Mumbai) (Zoom)
  • Krylova A.S., Renkovskaya E.A. Contact phenomena in the Kullui language // Oriental readings 2020. Changing language: semantic and grammatical changes in the languages of Asia and Africa, 10.21-22.2020, Institute of Oriental Studies RAS (Zoom), Moscow.
  • E. Renkovskaya, A. Krylova. Corpus of the Koraput Munda languages: goals and features // 9th International Conference: New Horizons in Oriental Studies, December 8-9, 2020, Uniwersytet Warszawski
  • Poetic improvisation among the southern Munda // Maklaevskie readings 2019, MAE RAS, May 13-14, 2019
  • Five types of writing of the Sora language: reasons for the appearance and processes of formation (co-author: E.A. Renkovskaya) // international conference “Linguistic Forum 2019: Indigenous languages of Russia and the world”, Institute of Languages of the Russian Academy of Sciences, International Standing Committee of Linguists (CIPL – Comité International Permanent des Linguistes / Permanent International Committee of Linguists), April 4-6, 2019
  • Areal features of the basic vocabularies of the languages of the South Odisha (co-author: E.A. Renkovskaya) // international conference South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable (SALA-35), INALCO-Paris, October 29-31, 2019 https //sala-35.sciencesconf.org/ Conference abstracts: https://sala-35.sciencesconf.org/data/pages/z_merged_new2.pdf
  • Corpus-based study of variation and language change in Kullui – report at the international conference SALA-35 (co-authors: Y.V. Mazurova, E.A. Renkovskaya) // international conference South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable (SALA-35), INALCO-Paris, October 29-31, 2019
  • (together with Yu.V. Mazurova and E.A. Renkovskaya, guest speaker) Documentation of Himachali Pahari languages ​​as a step towards language maintenance // International seminar on Endangered languages ​​of Central and Western Himalaya, October 12-14, 2018, Kumaun University SSJ Campus Almora, Uttarakhand, India.
  • (with E.A. Renkovskaya, guest speaker) शिक्षा में मातृभाषा: हिमालय की भाषा विविधता के संरक्षण का एक Mother tongue in education: a step towards preservation of language diversity of the Himalayas // International seminar on Endangered languages ​​of Central and Western Himalaya, October 12-14, 2018, Kumaun University SSJ Campus Almora, Uttarakhand, India.
  • (sovmestno s E.A. Renkovskoj) Rol’ religii v sohranenii yazyka (na materiale yazyka sora) // Seminar po problemam obshchej i vostokovednoj lingvistiki otdela yazykov narodov Azii i Afriki. [(together with E.A. Renkovskaya) The role of religion in language preservation (the case of Sora) // Seminar on the Problems of General and Oriental Linguistics of the Department of Asian and African Languages ​​of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, September 29, 2018.
  • (together with E.A. Renkovskaya, poster presentation) Religion and language preservation: the case of Sora // 51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia. 08/29 – 09/01/2018.
  • (with E.A. Renkovskaya) Documentation of the Kullui language: problems, results, prospects // The 24th Himalayan Languages ​​Symposium, Lucknow, India, June 8-10, 2018. http://www.himalayansymposium.org/2018-lucknow
  • Slovar’ yazyka kullui: problemy polevoj leksikografii // Vostokovednye chteniya 2018. Leksikologiya i leksikografiya. [Kullui language dictionary: problems of field lexicography // Oriental readings 2018. Lexicology and Lexicography, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow, April 4-6, 2018], http://languages.ivran.ru/
  • Iz istorii vokalizma indoarijskogo yazyka kullui // XIII tradicionnye chteniya pamyati S. A. Starostina. [From the history of vocalism of the Indo-Aryan language Kullui // XIII traditional Starostin Readings, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, March 22-23, 2018] http://starling.rinet.ru/confer/confer2018.htm
  • Yazyki munda: leksikostatistika po novym dannym // XII tradicionnye chteniya pamyati S. A. Starostina. [Munda languages: lexicostatistics based on new data // XII traditional Starostin Readings, Russian State University for the Humanities, March 24, 2017] http://starling.rinet.ru/confer/confer2017.htm
  • Avtohtonnye pis’mennosti yazykov munda. Doklad na postoyanno dejstvuyushchem seminare po problemam obshchej i vostokovednoj lingvistiki v otdele yazykov narodov Azii i Afriki. [Autochthonous scripts of Munda. Report at the Seminar on the Problems of General and Oriental Linguistics in the Department of Asian and African Languages ​of the Institute of Oriental studies, RAS] March 1, 2017
  • Lingvisticheskie ekspedicii v dolinu Kullu (Indiya, shtat Himachal-Pradesh). Doklad na seminare sektora sravnitel’nogo izucheniya kul’tur Vostoka i Zapada. [Linguistic expeditions to the Kullu Valley (India, Himachal Pradesh). Presentation at a Seminar “Culture as a way of conceptualization” of the The Sector of Comparative Studies of Eastern and Western Cultures, Institute of Oriental and Classical studies, RSUH December 21, 2016]
  • (together with E.M. Knyazeva and Yu.V. Mazurova). Yazyk kullui. [Kullui language. Presentation at the Moscow Festival of Languages, 2016]
  • Pis’mennosti yazykov munda. Doklad na XXVII tradicionnyh Zografskih chteniyah. [Writing systems of Munda. Presentation at the XXVII Traditional Zograf Readings, May 11-13, 2016, St. Petersburg.]
  • Religiya v yazykovoj politike plemyon Orissy. Doklad na Maklaevskih chteniyah. [Religion in the language policy of the Odisha tribes. Report at the Maclay readings in honor of the 170th anniversary of N.N. Miklouho-Maclay, April 18–19, 2016 St. Petersburg.]
  • Yazykovaya politika Indii na primere shtata Odisha. Doklad na metodseminare kafedry etnologii MGU, povtorno prochitan na seminare v IV RAN. [The language policy of India: the case of Odisha state. Report at the workshop of the Department of Ethnology of Moscow State University, April 4, 2016. Re-read at a Seminar on the Problems of General and Oriental Linguistics at the Department of Asian and African Languages, Institute of Oriental studies, June 8, 2016.
  • (Together with E.A. Renkovskaya) www.pahari-languages.ru, sajt o yazykah pahari: zadachi i perspektivy razvitiya. [www.pahari-languages.ru, a site on Pahari languages: tasks and prospects. Report at ConCorT Junior conference, October 10-11, 2015, Moscow.]

Teaching and research experience

  • 2021 – Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, Higher School of Economics. Hindi Dialectology (course designed by me)
  • Since 2019 – Institute of Linguistics, Russian State University for the Humanities. Sanskrit.
  • 2015 – Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies, Russian State University for the Humanities. History of Indian cinema (course proposed and designed by me).
  • 2008 – 2015 Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies, Russian State University for the Humanities. Participated in a seminar on ancient Tamil poetry.
  • 2010 – Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies, Russian State University for the Humanities. Hindi Dialectology (course designed by me).

Applied Linguistic Experience

  • 2011 —2013 Linguist, ABBYY company. Creation and correction of computer morphological models of languages ​​(Bulgarian, Russian in the old spelling, Kyrgyz) and refinement of morphological models of Russian, English, German and French.

Linguistic expeditions

2023 – Altai language – Republic of Gorny Altai, Onguday district

2023 – Kullui language – India, Himachal Pradesh, Kullu and Kangra districts

2022 – Kullui language – India, Himachal Pradesh, Kullu and Mandi districts

2018 – languages ​​Gutob, Bonda, Didayi, – India, Odisha state, Koraput district (RFBR project, 17-34-00018, “Sociolinguistic study of the languages ​​of the Koraput munda and the creation of a multimedia corpus of texts illustrating the different social conditions of languages”).

2018 – Kullui language, – India, Himachal Pradesh, Manali village of Kullu district (RFBR project, 16-34-01040 “Grammar description and dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Kullui language”).

2017 – Sora and Juray languages – India, Odisha, Gajapati and Rayagada districts (RHSF project, 17-34-00018, “Sociolinguistic study of the languages ​​of the Koraput munda and the creation of a multimedia corpus of texts illustrating the different social conditions of languages”).

2017 – Kullui language, – India, Himachal Pradesh, Naggar village, Kullu district (RHSF project, 16-34-01040 “Grammar description and dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Kullui language”).

2016 – Kullui language, – India, Himachal Pradesh, Naggar village, Kullu district (RHSF project, 16-34-01040 “Grammar description and dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Kullui language”).

2016 – Khakass language, Shor dialect, village Matur in Tashtyp district of the Republic of Khakassia. (Program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Corpus Linguistics”, direction “Creation and development of corpus resources in the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia”, project “Creation of the corpus of minor Turkic languages ​​of Russia”)

2016 – Munda languages, – India, Odisha, Bhubaneswar city (FFLR project A-47-2015 – “Areal study of prosodic systems and features of verb categories in the Southern Munda languages”).

2014 – Kullui language, – India, Himachal Pradesh, Naggar village, Kullu district (FFLR project A-12 “Documenting the Kullui language (Western Pahari)”).

2014 – Tuvan language, Tere-Khol dialect, village Kungurtug of the Tere-Kholsky kozhuun of the Tuva republic. (Program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Corpus Linguistics”, direction “Creation and development of corpus resources in the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia”, project “Creation of the corpus of minor Turkic languages ​​of Russia”)

2013 – Kazakh language, Altai dialect; Telengit language, southern dialect, Jazzator village, winter quaters Argut of Kosh-Agachsky district, Gorny Altai Republic (Program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Corpus Linguistics”, direction “Creation and development of corpus resources in the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia”, project “Creation of corpus of minor Turkic languages ​​of Russia”.

2011 – Chuvash language, northwestern dialect, Maloye Karachkino village, Yadrinsky District, Republic of Chuvashia (program “Genesis and Interaction of Social, Cultural and Linguistic Communities”, project “Early Language Contacts ​​of the Ural-Altai Sprachbund”)

2007 – Khakass language, Sagai dialect, – Kazanovka village, Askizsky district of the Republic of Khakassia (project RGNF 07-04-18020e Khakass linguistic expedition).

2006 – Telengit language, Telesky dialect, Balykcha village, Ulagansky district of the Republic of Gorny Altai (Program “Cultural and linguistic dynamics in historical retrospective”, direction 1. Areal and temporal characteristics of the evolution and interaction of languages, ​Project “The status of the most ancient Ural-Altai language relations “).

2005 – Ket language, the Kellog village of Turukhansky district of the Krasnoyarski Kray(student training, RSUH).

2003 – Onega dialects of the northern dialect of the Russian- village Tamitsa of Onega district of the Arkhangelsk region (student training, RSUH).

Participation in grants

RFBR, 19-012-0355, 2019-2021 “The study of the Kullui language based on oral corpus”, headed  by Yu. V. Mazurova.

RFBR, 17-34-00018, 2017-2019 “Sociolinguistic study of the languages ​​of the Koraput Munda and the creation of a multimedia corpus illustrating different social conditions of the languages”, headed  by Yu. E. Berezkin.

RFBR, 16-34-01040, 2016-2018 “Grammatical description and dictionary of the Indo-Aryan language Kullui”,  headed  by E. M. Knyazeva.

FFLR, A-47, 2015-2016 “Areal study of prosodic systems and features of verb categories in the southern group of Munda languages”, headed  by I.V. Samarina.

FFLR, A-12, 2014/2015 “Documentation of the Kullui language (Western Pahari)”, headed  by Yu.V. Mazurova.

Popularization of Indology

One of the organizers and lecturers of the Indian Languages Festivals in 2019, 2021, 2023, author of the lectures on “Scripts of India”, “Sanskrit”, together with Y. Mazurova “Kullui language”, together with E. Renkovskaya “Sora language” and “Gutob language”