
Evgeniya  A. Renkovskaya

Since 2019:  Researcher at the Minority Language Research and Preservation Lab ​​of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

She graduated from the Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian State University for the Humanities with the MA thesis titled “The Syntactic Features of Russian proverbs”. In 2008-2009 she held an internship at the Central Institute of Hindi (Agra, India), and graduated with The Advanced Diploma in Hindi Language Proficiency. 2016: she finished the graduate program in The Meletinsky Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities (IASH) of the RSUH. Since 2017 she worked in the Department of Ural-Altaic Languages ​​of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences as a Senior Laboratory Assistant and then as a Junior Research fellow. She currently works on a dissertation entitled “Areal, genetic and typological factors underlying the formation of a case and postposition system in the Kumaoni language”.  Evgeniya Renkovskaya is a field researcher with experience in India (languages Kumaoni, Kullui, Western Marwari, Sora, Jurai, Gutob, Bonda) and in Russia (Khakass, Evenki, Uilta (Orok), Selkup, Ket languages).

Research Interests:

Field linguistics, Indian languages, Indo-Aryan languages, Hindi, Western Marwari, Pahari languages, Kumaoni, Kullui, Munda languages, Sora, Bonda, Gutob, Indigenous languages ​​of Siberia, Evenki language, Uilta, Ket , Selkup, Turkic languages, Turkish, Khakass, sociolinguistics, areal linguistics, linguistic anthropology, semantics, morphology, linguistic typology.


(Together with M.A. Krongauz, A.Ch. Piperski, A.A. Somin, etc.) One hundred languages. The universe of words and meanings. M: AST Publishing House, 2018


  1. Mirativnaya konstrukciya v yazyke kullui. // Problemy yazyka. Sbornik nauchnyh statej po materialam shestoj konferencii-shkoly «Problemy yazyka: vzglyad molodyh uchenyh». [Mirative construction in Kullui // Problems of Language. Proceedings of the 6th Conference of young scientists “Problems of language: a view from the young scholars’ perspective”. Editorial board: M.K. Amelina, A.A. Anufriev, V.V. Dyachkov, N.V. Makeeva, O.V. Popova, O.V. Sokolova. M.-Yaroslavl: Chancellor, 2018.]
  2. Imperativ v yazyke kullui // Problemy obshchej i vostokovednoj lingvistiki 2016. Trudy Instituta vostokovedeniya RAN. [Imperative in Kullui // Problems of General and Oriental Linguistics 2016. Proceedings of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Vol. 6: Languages ​​of South and Southeast Asia (Conference proceedings) / Edited by Z.M. Shalyapina, A.S. Panina, A.I. Kogan. M .: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2018.p. 168-173. ]
  3. The verb ‘to see’ as a source of new postpositions: evidence from Kumaoni and other Himalayan languages ​​// Vaak manthan (http://selindia.org/vol-3-issue-i/), pp. 1-4
  4. (with A. S. Krylova) Documentation of the Kullui language: problems, results, prospects // Vaak manthan (http://selindia.org/vol-3-issue-i/), pp. 5-11
  5. Novye dannye po fol’kloru i mifologii Indii (materialy kullui i sora) // Sbornik nauchnyh statej v chest’ yubileya YA.V. Vasil’kova. [ (Together with Krylova A.S., Berezkin Yu.E.) “Novye dannye po fol’kloru i mifologii Indii (materialy Kullui i Sora)” // Mitrasampradānam. Sbornik nauchnyh statej v chest’ yubileya Ya.V. Vasil’kova. Sostaviteli i otvetstvennye redaktory M.F. Al’bedil’ i N.A. Yanchevskaya. SPb.: MAE RAN, 2018. p. 39-50. [New data on the South Asian folklore and mythology (the Kullui and Sora materials)) // Mitrasampradānam. A collection of papers in honour of Yaroslav Vassilkov. Edited by M.F. Albedil and N. Yanchevskaya. St. Petersburg: MAE RAS, 2018. p. 557-569.]
  6. Lingvisticheskie ekspedicii v indijskie Gimalai. [(Together with Krylova A.S., Mazurova Yu.V., Shuvannikova E.V.) Linguistic expeditions to the Indian Himalayas // Russian Himalayan Studies: yesterday, today, tomorrow. Collection of articles. Ed. L. Ya. Borkin. St. Petersburg: The European House, 2017. p.116-120. ]
  7. Eto strashnoe slovo «kasta»: problemy sociolingvisticheskogo anketirovaniya v «indijskom» pole // Metody i koncepcii v fol’kloristike i kul’turnoj antropologii (konec XX – nachalo XXI veka): [This terrible word “caste”: problems of sociolinguistic questioning in the “Indian” field // Methods and concepts in folklore and cultural anthropology (late XX – early XXI centuries): Proceedings of the XVI International School-Conference on Folklore, Sociolinguistics and Cultural Anthropology / Compiled by A. Arkhipova, S.Yu. Neklyudov, D.S. Nikolaev, N.N. Rychkova. M.: MPGU (Moscow Pedagogical State University), 2016. p.98-100. ]
  8. «Skazano – ne sdelano»: poslelogi-markery sub’ekta v modal’no- deagentivnyh konstrukciyah v central’nom i zapadnom pahari // Problemy yazyka: Sbornik nauchnyh statej po materialam Chetvertoj konferencii-shkoly «Problemy yazyka: vzglyad molodyh uchenyh». [“Said – not done”: postpositive markers of subject in modal-deagentive constructions in the Central and Western Pahari // “Problems of language: a view from the young scholars’ perspective”, 4th Conference-school proceedings. M: “Chancellor”, 2016. p. 243-252. ]
  9. Poslelog dekhi v yazykah nepali i kumaoni: puti grammatikalizacii. / Yazyki Dal’nego Vostoka, Yugo-Vostochnoj Azii i Zapadnoj Afriki: materialy XII Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii. [Postposition dekhi in Nepali and Kumaoni languages: grammaticalization paths. Languages ​​of the Far East, Southeast Asia and West Africa: Proceedings of the XII International Conference (Moscow, November 16-17, 2016), collection of papers. The Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University, Eastern Department of St. Petersburg State University. Edited by B.V. Kasevich, A.Yu. Vikhrova, I.M. Rumyantseva. M .: World Languages ​Publishing House, 2016. p. 218-223.]
  10. «Tebya vidya ne boyus’»: poslelogi yazyka kumaoni, proizvodnye ot glagolov // Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Trudy Instituta lingvisticheskih issledovanij RAN. [“While seeing you I’m not afraid”: Kumaoni postpositions derived from verbs // Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Vol. XI. Part 2. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2016. p. 688-697]
  11. Chelovek pod vlast’yu duhov: mediumizm i oderzhimost’ v shamanskih praktikah indijskih Gimalaev // Antropologiya vlasti: fol’klornye teksty, social’nye praktiki. [A man controlled by spirits: mediumism and obsession in shamanistic practices of the Indian Himalayas // Anthropology of power: folklore texts, social practices: Proceedings of the XV International School-Conference on Folklore Studies, Sociolinguistics and Cultural Anthropology. Compiled by. A.S. Arkhipova, S.Yu. Neklyudov, D.S. Nikolaev, N.N. Rychkova. M .: Russian State University for the Humanities, 2015. p.158-163 ]
  12. (sovmestno s Krylovoj A.S.) Prohibitivnye konstrukcii v yazyke kullui // Dvenadcataya konferenciya po tipologii i grammatike dlya molodyh issledovatelej. [ (together with Krylova A.S.) Prohibitive constructions in Kullui // Twelfth Conference on Typology and Grammar for young scholars. (abstracts), St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya, 2015. P. 81-83.]
  13. Eliziya konechnyh glasnyh v vostochnyh dialektah yazyka kumaoni (na primere dialekta sor’yali). [Elision of final vowels in Eastern dialects of Kumaoni (the case of  Soryali dialect) // Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Proceedings of the Institute of Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2015.T. XI. Part 1. p. 819–825.]
  14. Genitivnye poslelogi v yazyke kumaoni // Problemy yazyka: Sbornik nauchnyh statej po materialam Vtoroj konferencii-shkoly «Problemy yazyka: vzglyad molodyh uchenyh». [Genitive postpositions in Kumaoni // Problems of Language. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of young scholars “Problems of language: a view from the young scholars’ perspective” (September 5-7, 2013). Editorial Board: E.M. Devyatkina (ed.), D.S. Ganenkov, D.V. Flywheels. M .: Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013. p. 307-313.]
  15. Dativnye poslelogi v dialektah yazyka kumaoni. Problemy yazyka: Sbornik nauchnyh statej po materialam Pervoj konferencii-shkoly «Problemy yazyka: vzglyad molodyh uchenyh». [ Dative postpositions in dialects of Kumaoni // Problems of Language. Proceedings of the First Conference of young scholars “Problems of language: a view from the young scholars’ perspective” M .: Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2012. p. 253-263.]
  16. K voprosu o raspredelenii akkuzativno-dativnyh i dativnyh poslelogov v dialektah yazyka kumaoni // Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. [ On the distribution of accusative-dative and dative postpositions in the dialects of Kumaoni // Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Vol. VII, part. 3, 2011. P. 417–423.]
  17. Osobennosti linejnogo poryadka v poslovicah (k voprosu o komp’yuternom analize sintaksisa v fol’klore). // Problemy komp’yuternoj lingvistiki: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov. [ The specifics of the linear order in proverbs (computer analysis of folklore syntax). // Problems of computer linguistics: Collection of papers. Ed. A.A. Kretova. – Issue 5. – Voronezh, 2011. ]
  18. Nekotorye osobennosti sintaksicheskoj struktury russkih poslovic (na primere monopredikatnyh predlozhenij). // Komp’yuternaya lingvistika i intellektual’nye tekhnologii: Po materialam ezhegodnoj Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii «Dialog». [ Some features of the syntactic structure of Russian proverbs: monopredicative sentences. // Computer linguistics and intellectual technologies: The materials of the annual International Conference “Dialogue” (Bekasovo, May 25-29, 2011). Vol. 10 (17). – M .: RGGU, 2011. ]
  19. Problemy rasshifrovki tekstov v polevyh usloviyah (na materiale ketsko-evenkijskoj i ketskoj ekspedicij)// Polevye issledovaniya studentov RGGU: etnologiya, fol’kloristika, lingvistika. Vypusk II. [Problems of decoding texts in the field (the data of the Ket-Evenki and Ket expeditions) // Field studies of students of the RSUH: ethnology, folklore, linguistics. Issue II. – M: RGGU, 2007. P. 355-361.]

Internet resources development:

  1. Pahari: Indo-Aryan languages ​​of North India
  2. Minor languages ​​of Siberia: our cultural heritage


  • 2018 – languages ​​of Gutob, Bonda, Didayi – India, Odisha, Koraput district (RFBR project, 17-34-00018, “Sociolinguistic study of the languages ​​of the Koraput Munda and the creation of a multimedia corpus of texts illustrating the different social conditions of languages”).
  • 2018 – Kullui language – India, Himachal Pradesh, Manali village of Kullu district (RFBR project, 16-34-01040 “Grammar description and dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Kullui language”).
  • 2017 – expedition to Gajapati and Rayagada (Odisha, India) (RHSF 17-34-00018, “Sociolinguistic study of the languages ​​of the Koraput Munda and the creation of a multimedia corpus of texts illustrating the different social conditions of languages”). Languages: Sora, Jurai.
  • 2017 – expedition to Naggar, Suma villages and the city of Kullu (Himachal Pradesh, India) (RHSF 16-34-01040 “Grammatical Description and Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Kullui Language”). Language: Kullui.
  • 2017 – expedition to village Matur of the Tashtypsky district of the Republic of Khakassia (Program “Corpus Linguistics” of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, direction “Creation and development of corpus resources in the languages ​of the peoples of Russia”, project “Creation of a corpus of minor Turkic languages ​​of Russia”). Language: Khakass.
  • 2016 – expedition to the village Naggar, Bashing and Kullu (Himachal Pradesh, India) (RHSF 16-34-01040 “Grammatical Description and Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Kullui Language”). Language: Kullui.
  • 2016 – expedition to the Selkups of Tomsk Region in the Parabelsky and Kolpashevsky Districts (RNF 17-18-01649 “Dynamics of language contacts in the circumpolar region”). Language: Selkup.
  • 2015 – an independent expedition to the Kumaon region (Uttarakhand state, India). Language: Kumaoni.
  • 2014 – an expedition to the village of Naggar (Himachal Pradesh, India) (FFLR A-12). Language: Kullui.
  • 2014 – an expedition to the Komi-Zyryan and Nenets speakers to the village Samburg of the Purovsky District of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (RHF 14-04-00476a). Languages: Komi-Zyryan, Nenets.
  • 2013 – expedition to the Selkup of the Sredniy Taz and Nizhnyaya Tolka speakers to the Krasnoselkupsky District of the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous district (Tolka, Krasnoselkup. Sidorovsk, Chaselka) (RGNF 13-04-18010e). Language: Selkup.
  • 2013 – an independent expedition to the Kumaon region (Uttarakhand state, India). Language: Kumaoni.
  • 2012 – an expedition to the Taz Selkup speakers in the Krasnoselkup region of the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous district (Tolka, Ratta, Kikkiakki villages) (RHF 12-04-18027е). Language: Selkup.
  • 2011 – an independent expedition to the Kumaon region (Uttarakhand state, India). Language: Kumaoni.
  • 2011 – an expedition to the Upper Tolkien Selkup speakers in the Purovsky district of the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous district (Tolka settlement, Bystrinka trading post) (RHF 11-04-18004е). Language: Selkup.
  • 2010 – an independent expedition to the Kumaon region (Uttarakhand state, India). Language: Kumaoni.

2009 – an expedition to the Symsky Evenk speakers to the Sym village of the Yenisei region and to the southern Ket speakers to the villages of Verkhneimbatsk and Kellog of the Turukhansky district, Krasnoyarsk Territory (RGNF 09-04-18036е). Languages: Ket, Evenki.

  • 2008 – an independent expedition to the Kumaon region (Uttarakhand state, India). Language: Kumaoni.
  • 2008 – an expedition on the comprehensive documentation of Evenki dialects of the Lower Tunguska basin to the villages of Tura, Tutonchany and Kislokan of the Evenki municipal district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (held as part of the project “Changing Russia in the Life Stories of Kets, Selkups and Evenks”, RHSF 07-04- 00332a). Language: Evenk.
  • 2007 – an expedition to the northern Evenki to the villages of Tura, Chirinda and Ekonda of the Evenki Autonomous Okrug of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (RHSF 07-04-18027е). Language: Evenk.
  • 2007 – expedition to the Evenks of the Tunguska-Chunsky district of the Evenki Autonomous Okrug of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the towns of Vanavara, Strelka-Chunya, Mutorai (RFBR 07-06-10017). Language: Evenk.
  • 2006 – an expedition to the villages of Maduyka and Sovetskaya Rechka (Sovrechka) of the Turukhansky district, the Krasnoyarsk Territory (carried out as part of the project “Interaction of segment and supra-segment levels in the phonetics of Siberian languages ​​(based on contact languages ​​of the middle Yenisei and adjacent territories)”, RFBR 05 -06-80234 Languages: Ket, Evenki.
  • 2006 – an expedition to the village of Sulomai of the Evenki autonomous district and the village of Bor of the Turukhansky district, the Krasnoyarsk Territory (held as part of the project “Multimedia Database of the Ket Language”, RHF 04-04-12028c). Language: Ket.
  • 2003 – expedition to the village Tamitsa of Onega district of the Arkhangelsk region (The Russian State University for the Humanities). Onega idiom of the Northern dialect of the Russian language