Language | Gutob |
Speaker | Sukoro Sisa |
Place of residence | Gutapada village, Lamtaput block, Koraput district |
Recording | A. Krylova, E. Renkovskaya, Gutalpada, December 2018, wav |
Translation | E. Renkovskaya |
Glosses | E. Renkovskaya |
Genre | Narrative on traditional festival |
Sukoro Sisa, Gutob speaker from Gutalpada village, tells about winter harvest festival. Sukoro’s orange cloths symbolizes his devotion to Alekh religion. The adepts of Alekh take part in common village festivals, but maintain restrictions on alcoholic liquor and meat.
1. aktu portum ɖine gisiŋnen goʔtosu porob ɖemtonen
When celebrating the festival before in earlier days, they slaughtered chickens
aktu | portum | ɖine | gisiŋ-nen | goʔ-to-su | porob | ɖem-to-nen |
before | earlier | day | chicken-PL | slaughter-HAB-CVB | festival | do-HAB-3PL |
2. arko ɖine ɖiʔke moza porob
Tomorrow it will be next festival
arko | ɖine | ɖiʔke | moza | porob |
next | day | ABL | next (D) | festival |
3. arko ɖin ɖiʔke tin din boʔ maŋ burija irtonen
They use to go round for buriya for three days from tomorrow
arko | ɖin | ɖiʔke | tin | din | boʔ | maŋ | burija | ir-to-nen |
next | day | ABL | three | day | LOC | what | buriya | go_round-HAB-3PL |
4. su burija ŋgom ɖen ɖen ɖen ɖen boʔ penɖom tola siɖtonen
Then buriya in the village… They gather rice beer and mahua seeds in every house
su | burija | ŋgom | ɖen | ɖen | ɖen | ɖen | boʔ | penɖom | tola | siɖ-to-nen |
then | buriya | village | house | house | house | house | LOC | rice_beer | mahua_seed | gather-HAB-3PL |
5. mioʔ rukuk luɖoʔsu ɖabu luɖoʔsu soman last ɖine
Last day they also ask for rice and money
mioʔ | rukuk | luɖ-oʔ-su | ɖabu | luɖ-oʔ-su | soman | last | ɖine |
well | rice | ask-ACT.PST-CVB | money | ask-ACT.PST-CVB | also | last | day |
6. tu burija rukuk lai ɖoŋ burija ɖabu lai soman boji ɖemoʔ sumtonen
Rice and money gathered as buriya are to be spent for the feast
tu | burija | rukuk | lai | ɖoŋ | burija | ɖabu | lai | soman | boji | ɖem-oʔ | sum-to-nen |
that | buriya | rice | ACC | and | buriya | money | ACC | also | feast(D) | do-ACT.PST | eat-HAB-3PL |
7. tirgi mioʔ mboʔ mboʔ uŋgomnu lok sa piŋtonen
Later people from another village also come
tirgi | mioʔ | mboʔ | mboʔ | uŋgom-nu | lok | sa | piŋ-to-nen |
later | well | one | one | village-GEN | people | also | come-HAB-3PL |
8. modʒire modʒire burija luluʔ lai ɖeʔsu
Asking for buriya
modʒi-re | modʒi-re | burija | lu-luʔ | lai | ɖeʔsu |
among-LOC(D) | among-LOC(D) | buriya | ask-RED/NMNL | ACC | QUOT |
9. burija luluʔnu lok lai sa omaj sarɖa ɖemoʔsu baitonen
People asking for buriya are let go satisfied
burija | lu-luʔ-nu | lok | lai | sa | o-maj | sarɖa | ɖem-oʔ-su | bai-to-nen |
buriya | ask-RED-GEN | people | ACC | also | OBL-3SG | satisfied | do-ACT.PST-CVB | send-HAB-3PL |
10. ili penɖom salpuŋ loʔ rioʔsu beʔtonen
They are given wine, palm wine, rice beer
ili | penɖom | salpuŋ | loʔ | ri-oʔ-su | beʔ-to-nen |
wine | rice beer | palm wine | there (?) | bring-ACT.PST-CVB | give-HAB-3PL |
11. mioʔ ɖabu ɖibi ɖuguna ɖabu sa beʔtonen
And if there is money, they are given money
mioʔ | ɖabu | ɖibi | ɖu-gu-na | ɖabu | sa | beʔ-to-nen |
well | money | ECHO | be-PST-COND | money | also | давать-HAB-3PL |
12. batia sa beʔtonen omajnen ɖen boʔ ririŋ lai
They are also given food to take it home
batia | sa | beʔ-to-nen | o-majnen | ɖen | boʔ | ri-riŋ | lai |
food | also | give-HAB-3PL | OBL-3PL | home | LOC | bring-RED/NMNL | ACC |
13. mioʔ sumtonen setki mioʔ omajnen beʔtonen setki
As much they eat, as much they are given to take home
mioʔ | sum-to-nen | setki | mioʔ | o-majnen | beʔ-to-nen | setki |
well | eat-HAB-3PL | so_much | well | OBL-3PL | give-HAB-3PL | so_much |
14. tu pus porobnu pul (full) setki ɖiʔto
This is how the Pus festival is celebrated
tu | pus | porob-nu | pul (full) | setki | ɖiʔto |
that | Pus | festival-GEN | full | so_much | QUOT |
15. mioʔ magar ke soman
There is one also in month of Magh
mioʔ | mag-ar | ke | soman |
well | Magh-GEN (D) | other (?) (D) | also |
16. konja login enu
It is Konya Login
konja | login | enu |
marriageable_girl | connection | this |
17. joɖi uŋgom boʔ onobnen ɖugu ɖeʔna mioʔ obturoʔ beʔtonen
If there are girls in the village, they are given in marriage
joɖi | uŋgom | boʔ | onob-nen | ɖu-gu | ɖeʔna | mioʔ | ob-tur-oʔ | beʔ-to-nen |
if(D) | village | LOC | girl-PL | AUX(be)-PST | COND | well | CAUS-come_out-ACT.PST | give-HAB-3PL |
18. mioʔ ɖennu bonoʔnu luɖoʔ ɖugu ɖeʔna
If the family who have raised the girl is asked for
mioʔ | ɖen-nu | bon-oʔ-nu | luɖ-oʔ | ɖu-gu | ɖeʔna |
well | house-GEN | raise-ACT.PST-GEN | ask-ACT.PST | AUX(be)-PST | COND |
19. oʔonnen lai mioʔ konja riŋtonen
They lead the girls to the boys
oʔon-nen | lai | mioʔ | konja | riŋ-to-nen |
boy-PL | ACC | well | marriageable_girl | bring-HAB-3PL |